Investigation of the role of adolescents’ patterns of close relationships with significant adults may be of particular interest
in populations with learning disabilities (“LD”) during adolescence, because attachment relationship variables may act as
risk or protective factors during this developmental period when trajectories are set that can lead to difficulties in adulthood.
Specifically, this study examined a model of protective factors comprising patterns of close relationships between adolescents
(n=369; 53 % female; aged 15–17) and significant adults (mother, father, homeroom teacher) for explaining adolescents’ socioemotional
and behavioral adjustment, comparing adolescents with and without LD. The current assessment of adolescents’ socioemotional
adjustment included both internalizing aspects (loneliness, affect, and internalizing behavior syndrome) and externalizing
aspects (externalizing behavior syndrome). On most measures, significant group differences emerged between adolescents with
LD (n=181) and adolescents with typical development (n=188). SEM analysis found high fit between the theoretical model and empirical findings. Both groups showed similar paths
between adolescent-mother attachment and adolescent adjustment, whereas significant group differences emerged for the contribution
of adolescents’ close relationships with fathers and teachers to adolescents’ adjustment. The discussion focuses on the possible
unique value of close relationships with each attachment figure at home and at school for adolescents with LD versus typical
in populations with learning disabilities (“LD”) during adolescence, because attachment relationship variables may act as
risk or protective factors during this developmental period when trajectories are set that can lead to difficulties in adulthood.
Specifically, this study examined a model of protective factors comprising patterns of close relationships between adolescents
(n=369; 53 % female; aged 15–17) and significant adults (mother, father, homeroom teacher) for explaining adolescents’ socioemotional
and behavioral adjustment, comparing adolescents with and without LD. The current assessment of adolescents’ socioemotional
adjustment included both internalizing aspects (loneliness, affect, and internalizing behavior syndrome) and externalizing
aspects (externalizing behavior syndrome). On most measures, significant group differences emerged between adolescents with
LD (n=181) and adolescents with typical development (n=188). SEM analysis found high fit between the theoretical model and empirical findings. Both groups showed similar paths
between adolescent-mother attachment and adolescent adjustment, whereas significant group differences emerged for the contribution
of adolescents’ close relationships with fathers and teachers to adolescents’ adjustment. The discussion focuses on the possible
unique value of close relationships with each attachment figure at home and at school for adolescents with LD versus typical
- Content Type Journal Article
- Category Empirical Research
- Pages 1-18
- DOI 10.1007/s10964-012-9767-6
- Authors
- Michal Al-Yagon, Special Education Program, Constantiner School of Education, Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv, 69978 Israel
- Journal Journal of Youth and Adolescence
- Online ISSN 1573-6601
- Print ISSN 0047-2891