Two studies aimed to understand springtime sunscreen use amongst adolescents and to compare the predictive utility of the
theory of planned behavior, descriptive norms, prototype perceptions and planning. In Study 1, a belief elicitation study
with N = 67 adolescents identified beliefs about, and strategies for, sunscreen use. In Study 2, N = 177 adolescents completed
measures of direct and belief-based theory of planned behavior measures prototype evaluation and similarity, descriptive norms
and planning. Sunscreen use was reported 2 months later. In Study 1, sunburn prevention and skin care emerged as the most
relevant consequences of sunscreen use. Facilitators were supportive family norms. Sunscreen properties, costs and forgetting
were main barriers which were commonly addressed with preparatory actions such as carrying sunscreen. In Study 2, gender,
intention and prototype evaluation were predictive of sunscreen use. Positive evaluations of those who use sunscreen were
related to lower sunscreen use when controlling for intention, descriptive norm and gender. Belief-based measures were the
best predictors of intention. Behavioral, normative and control beliefs are crucial for understanding sunscreen. Future interventions
should focus on these beliefs to change intentions.
theory of planned behavior, descriptive norms, prototype perceptions and planning. In Study 1, a belief elicitation study
with N = 67 adolescents identified beliefs about, and strategies for, sunscreen use. In Study 2, N = 177 adolescents completed
measures of direct and belief-based theory of planned behavior measures prototype evaluation and similarity, descriptive norms
and planning. Sunscreen use was reported 2 months later. In Study 1, sunburn prevention and skin care emerged as the most
relevant consequences of sunscreen use. Facilitators were supportive family norms. Sunscreen properties, costs and forgetting
were main barriers which were commonly addressed with preparatory actions such as carrying sunscreen. In Study 2, gender,
intention and prototype evaluation were predictive of sunscreen use. Positive evaluations of those who use sunscreen were
related to lower sunscreen use when controlling for intention, descriptive norm and gender. Belief-based measures were the
best predictors of intention. Behavioral, normative and control beliefs are crucial for understanding sunscreen. Future interventions
should focus on these beliefs to change intentions.
- Content Type Journal Article
- Pages 1-15
- DOI 10.1007/s10865-012-9415-3
- Authors
- V. Araujo-Soares, Health Psychology Group, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Institute of Health and Society, Newcastle University, Baddiley-Clark Building Richardson Road, Newcastle, NE2 4AX UK
- A. Rodrigues, Health Psychology Group, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Institute of Health and Society, Newcastle University, Baddiley-Clark Building Richardson Road, Newcastle, NE2 4AX UK
- J. Presseau, Health Psychology Group, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Institute of Health and Society, Newcastle University, Baddiley-Clark Building Richardson Road, Newcastle, NE2 4AX UK
- F. F. Sniehotta, Health Psychology Group, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Institute of Health and Society, Newcastle University, Baddiley-Clark Building Richardson Road, Newcastle, NE2 4AX UK
- Journal Journal of Behavioral Medicine
- Online ISSN 1573-3521
- Print ISSN 0160-7715