On the occasion of the re-publication of Erving Goffman’s Relations in Public: Microstudies of the Public Order, including the remarkable appendix, “Insanity of Place,” the authors propose new ways of reading Goffman’s work in order
to highlight his attention to havoc and containment. Goffman’s “Insanity of Place,” explores the phenomenon of mental illness
by asserting that it is an instance of havoc, a symbolic and practical condition that disrupts the social order of life, and
one that must be contained. By situating this essay at the center of Goffman’s oeuvre they examine Goffman’s “philosophy of
containment,” and trace its trajectory from Asylums, Stigma and “The Insanity of Place” to its full crystallization in Frame Analysis. The authors offer a generative reading of havoc and containment in order to understand the incoherence, irrationality, unreason,
incomprehensibility and unbearableness of social life and the imperative to preserve social order from collapsing, dissolving
or imploding. This reading enables us to see the cracks in the social order and understand containment as the constant effort
exerted to recuperate transgressions and deviations back into that order. Goffman’s analysis becomes an opening into engagements
with the work of Judith Butler and Michel Foucault around the notion of the normative order and the issues of containment
and transgression. Thinking through Goffman’s philosophy of containment as the framework for an analysis of socialization,
normalization, and social ordering affords an approach to thinking macro-micro linkages of order and instability that confront
both our contemporary society and the discipline of sociology.
to highlight his attention to havoc and containment. Goffman’s “Insanity of Place,” explores the phenomenon of mental illness
by asserting that it is an instance of havoc, a symbolic and practical condition that disrupts the social order of life, and
one that must be contained. By situating this essay at the center of Goffman’s oeuvre they examine Goffman’s “philosophy of
containment,” and trace its trajectory from Asylums, Stigma and “The Insanity of Place” to its full crystallization in Frame Analysis. The authors offer a generative reading of havoc and containment in order to understand the incoherence, irrationality, unreason,
incomprehensibility and unbearableness of social life and the imperative to preserve social order from collapsing, dissolving
or imploding. This reading enables us to see the cracks in the social order and understand containment as the constant effort
exerted to recuperate transgressions and deviations back into that order. Goffman’s analysis becomes an opening into engagements
with the work of Judith Butler and Michel Foucault around the notion of the normative order and the issues of containment
and transgression. Thinking through Goffman’s philosophy of containment as the framework for an analysis of socialization,
normalization, and social ordering affords an approach to thinking macro-micro linkages of order and instability that confront
both our contemporary society and the discipline of sociology.
- Content Type Journal Article
- Pages 1-25
- DOI 10.1007/s12108-011-9132-3
- Authors
- Black Hawk Hancock, Sociology Department, DePaul University, 990 W. Fullerton Ave., Office #1208, Chicago, IL 60614, USA
- Roberta Garner, Sociology Department, DePaul University, 990 W. Fullerton Ave., Office #1110, Chicago, IL 60614, USA
- Journal The American Sociologist
- Online ISSN 1936-4784
- Print ISSN 0003-1232