The Social Security Administration (SSA) provides for federal disability insurance for disabled workers and their families
through the Social Security Disability Insurance program and the social safety net for low-income disabled individuals through
the Supplemental Security Income program. For the Mental Disorders (12.0) listings in the SSA Blue Book, psychologists provide
consultative examinations, a form of medicolegal consultation (Chafetz; The Clinical Neuropsychologist 24:1,045–1,063, 2010).
Psychologists also provide consultation directly to the Administrative Law Judges for cases going on appeal, or they might
work directly for a Disability Determinations Services facility as an examiner for cases with mental disorders. This article
describes the role of the psychologist in the Psychological Consultative Examination and its medicolegal context. Problems
with non-credible behavior, particularly malingering, must be accounted for by the psychologist, which ultimately can help
SSA with the validity of its decisions.
through the Social Security Disability Insurance program and the social safety net for low-income disabled individuals through
the Supplemental Security Income program. For the Mental Disorders (12.0) listings in the SSA Blue Book, psychologists provide
consultative examinations, a form of medicolegal consultation (Chafetz; The Clinical Neuropsychologist 24:1,045–1,063, 2010).
Psychologists also provide consultation directly to the Administrative Law Judges for cases going on appeal, or they might
work directly for a Disability Determinations Services facility as an examiner for cases with mental disorders. This article
describes the role of the psychologist in the Psychological Consultative Examination and its medicolegal context. Problems
with non-credible behavior, particularly malingering, must be accounted for by the psychologist, which ultimately can help
SSA with the validity of its decisions.
- Content Type Journal Article
- Pages 1-10
- DOI 10.1007/s12207-011-9112-5
- Authors
- Michael D. Chafetz, 3520 General DeGaulle Dr. #4098, New Orleans, LA 70114, USA
- Journal Psychological Injury and Law
- Online ISSN 1938-9728
- Print ISSN 1938-971X