Publication year: 2011
Source: Aggression and Violent Behavior, In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 22 August 2011
Theresa A., Gannon , Caoilte Ó., Ciardha , Rebekah M., Doley , Emma, Alleyne
The assessment and treatment of adults who set fires deliberately is underdeveloped relative to other areas of forensic-clinical psychology. From a scientist-practitioner perspective, all clinical assessment and treatment should be guided by a theoretical and empirically based understanding of the presenting clinical phenomena. In this paper, we critically review current typologies, motives, and theories regarding the etiological features of deliberate adult firesetting. Then, using a theory knitting perspective, we synthesize the prime parts of this information into a comprehensive multifactorial framework of deliberate firesetting. The resulting Multi-Trajectory Theory of Adult Firesetting (M-TTAF) is an integration of current theory, typological, and…
Highlights: ► We develop a theory of deliberate adult firesetting (M-TTAF). ► The M-TTAF unifies preexisting theory and research. ► The M-TTAF describes the etiology of one-time and repeated firesetting. ► The M-TTAF can guide assessment and treatment with a wide range of adult firesetters.