We examined whether instructional materials describing how to rate child ADHD symptoms would improve the accuracy of mothers’
ratings of ADHD symptoms presented in standard child behavior stimuli, and whether instructions would be equally effective
across a range of maternal depressive symptoms and family incomes. A community sample of 100 mothers with 5 to 12 year old
sons were randomly assigned to either receive or not receive the instructions. All mothers watched standard video recordings
of boys displaying nonproblem behavior, ADHD symptoms, ADHD plus oppositional behaviors, or ADHD plus anxious behaviors, and
then rated the ADHD symptoms of the boys in the videos. These ratings were compared to ratings of the boys’ ADHD symptoms
made by objective coders. Results indicated an interaction such that the instructional materials improved the agreement between
mothers’ and coders’ ratings, but only for mothers at lower family income levels. The instructional materials improved all
mothers’ open-ended responses regarding knowledge of ADHD. All mothers rated more ADHD symptoms in boys with comorbid oppositional
or anxious behaviors, and this effect was not reduced by the instructional materials. The potential utility of these instructions
to improve the accuracy of ratings of child ADHD symptoms is explored.
ratings of ADHD symptoms presented in standard child behavior stimuli, and whether instructions would be equally effective
across a range of maternal depressive symptoms and family incomes. A community sample of 100 mothers with 5 to 12 year old
sons were randomly assigned to either receive or not receive the instructions. All mothers watched standard video recordings
of boys displaying nonproblem behavior, ADHD symptoms, ADHD plus oppositional behaviors, or ADHD plus anxious behaviors, and
then rated the ADHD symptoms of the boys in the videos. These ratings were compared to ratings of the boys’ ADHD symptoms
made by objective coders. Results indicated an interaction such that the instructional materials improved the agreement between
mothers’ and coders’ ratings, but only for mothers at lower family income levels. The instructional materials improved all
mothers’ open-ended responses regarding knowledge of ADHD. All mothers rated more ADHD symptoms in boys with comorbid oppositional
or anxious behaviors, and this effect was not reduced by the instructional materials. The potential utility of these instructions
to improve the accuracy of ratings of child ADHD symptoms is explored.
- Content Type Journal Article
- Pages 1-12
- DOI 10.1007/s10802-011-9532-4
- Authors
- Charlotte Johnston, Department of Psychology, University of British Columbia, 2136 West Mall, Vancouver, B. C. V6T 1Z4, Canada
- Margaret Weiss, Children’s and Women’s Health Center of British Columbia, Vancouver, B. C., Canada
- Candice Murray, Children’s and Women’s Health Center of British Columbia, Vancouver, B. C., Canada
- Natalie Miller, Department of Psychology, University of British Columbia, 2136 West Mall, Vancouver, B. C. V6T 1Z4, Canada
- Journal Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology
- Online ISSN 1573-2835
- Print ISSN 0091-0627