Promotores have unique access to underserved and hard-to-reach Latino communities facing health disparities. Although promotores
are involved in community change, they rarely receive training that gives them the skills to be partners in research. We present
a case study of promotoras who participated in a research capacity building course focused on assessing community health needs.
Data comes from course application surveys, follow-up notes, and narratives from qualitative phone interviews of eight promotoras.
Content analysis drawing from grounded theory was conducted to identify and describe emerging themes. Four themes emerged
as promotoras discussed their experience learning basic research skills and teaching others: (1) challenges, (2) support,
(3) building capacity, and (4) using research. Promotores play an important role in the health of Latino communities and are
increasingly asked to participate in research processes; however they have few opportunities for training and professional
development in this area. Capacity building opportunities for promotores need to be tailored to their needs and provide them
with support. Fostering collaboration between promotores and partnering with local community-based organizations can help
facilitate needed research skill-building among promotores.
are involved in community change, they rarely receive training that gives them the skills to be partners in research. We present
a case study of promotoras who participated in a research capacity building course focused on assessing community health needs.
Data comes from course application surveys, follow-up notes, and narratives from qualitative phone interviews of eight promotoras.
Content analysis drawing from grounded theory was conducted to identify and describe emerging themes. Four themes emerged
as promotoras discussed their experience learning basic research skills and teaching others: (1) challenges, (2) support,
(3) building capacity, and (4) using research. Promotores play an important role in the health of Latino communities and are
increasingly asked to participate in research processes; however they have few opportunities for training and professional
development in this area. Capacity building opportunities for promotores need to be tailored to their needs and provide them
with support. Fostering collaboration between promotores and partnering with local community-based organizations can help
facilitate needed research skill-building among promotores.
- Content Type Journal Article
- Category Original Paper
- Pages 1-7
- DOI 10.1007/s10903-011-9519-9
- Authors
- Angie Denisse Otiniano, Department of Humanities and Sciences, UCLA Extension, 10995 Le Conte Avenue, Los Angeles, CA, USA
- Amy Carroll-Scott, Community Alliance for Research and Engagement (CARE), Yale School of Public Health, New Haven, CT, USA
- Peggy Toy, Health DATA Program, UCLA Center for Health Policy Research, Los Angeles, CA, USA
- Steven P. Wallace, Health DATA Program, UCLA Center for Health Policy Research, Los Angeles, CA, USA
- Journal Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
- Online ISSN 1557-1920
- Print ISSN 1557-1912