Drawing on research findings and clinical experience, this paper considers the contributions that sibling envy, jealousy,
and rivalry can make to healthy development as well as the way in which sibling discord may compromise development and in
some cases lead to pathology. An account of the treatment of a depressed and anxious woman, Marcia, whose pain and rage at
being displaced by her 4-year-younger brother contributed to her pathology, is offered. Through attention to sibling transferences,
countertransferences, and the enactments that occurred during the treatment, the paper demonstrates how an individual may
misperceive and misrespond to her children as well as her therapist as if they were a sibling rival or the mother who they
experienced as rejecting them in favor of a brother or sister. The paper attests to the importance of recognizing siblings
as persons in their own right who hold an important place in each other’s minds, rather than as simply displacement objects
for parents, as they were often regarded in the past.
and rivalry can make to healthy development as well as the way in which sibling discord may compromise development and in
some cases lead to pathology. An account of the treatment of a depressed and anxious woman, Marcia, whose pain and rage at
being displaced by her 4-year-younger brother contributed to her pathology, is offered. Through attention to sibling transferences,
countertransferences, and the enactments that occurred during the treatment, the paper demonstrates how an individual may
misperceive and misrespond to her children as well as her therapist as if they were a sibling rival or the mother who they
experienced as rejecting them in favor of a brother or sister. The paper attests to the importance of recognizing siblings
as persons in their own right who hold an important place in each other’s minds, rather than as simply displacement objects
for parents, as they were often regarded in the past.
- Content Type Journal Article
- Category Original Paper
- Pages 1-7
- DOI 10.1007/s10615-011-0379-5
- Authors
- Joyce Edward, Bellport, NY, USA
- Journal Clinical Social Work Journal
- Online ISSN 1573-3343
- Print ISSN 0091-1674