Stronger sense of control has been associated with improved health outcomes. This study tested whether the association between
sense of control and self-reported health varied among demographic groups and whether sense of control attenuated sociodemographic
differences in self-reported health.
sense of control and self-reported health varied among demographic groups and whether sense of control attenuated sociodemographic
differences in self-reported health.
Data from 6,815 participants in the Health and Retirement Study were used to examine moderation between demographic characteristics
and sense of control (measured by the personal mastery and perceived constraints scales of the Midlife Developmental Inventory)
in their associations with three self-reported health measures (global rating of fair/poor health, functional limitations,
and number of comorbid conditions).
and sense of control (measured by the personal mastery and perceived constraints scales of the Midlife Developmental Inventory)
in their associations with three self-reported health measures (global rating of fair/poor health, functional limitations,
and number of comorbid conditions).
Higher personal mastery and lower perceived constraints were associated with better self-reported health. There were no significant
interactions between the sense of control measures and age, gender, education level, income, or marital status in their associations
with either global self-rated health or functional limitations. Higher levels of mastery were associated with lower likelihood
of functional limitations among blacks and whites, but not among those of other races. Perceived constraints were slightly
more strongly associated with number of comorbid conditions among older than younger individuals.
interactions between the sense of control measures and age, gender, education level, income, or marital status in their associations
with either global self-rated health or functional limitations. Higher levels of mastery were associated with lower likelihood
of functional limitations among blacks and whites, but not among those of other races. Perceived constraints were slightly
more strongly associated with number of comorbid conditions among older than younger individuals.
- Content Type Journal Article
- Pages 1-10
- DOI 10.1007/s11136-011-0068-4
- Authors
- Michael M. Ward, National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Building 10 CRC, Room 4-1339, 10 Center Drive, Bethesda, MD 20892, USA
- Journal Quality of Life Research
- Online ISSN 1573-2649
- Print ISSN 0962-9343