Publication year: 2011
Source: Addictive Behaviors, In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 27 May 2011
Angela L., Curcio , Amanda M., George
Impulsivity is associated with alcohol use and related problems, yet limited research has examined the different facets of impulsivity with these outcomes. This study aimed to examine whether sensation seeking, positive urgency, and negative urgency, as separate constructs, would differentially predict alcohol use/problems, and to investigate whether specific drinking motives would mediate these relationships. Self-reported data from an online survey of undergraduate drinkers (n=317) was used in the current study. Findings indicate that sensation seeking and the urgency traits represent unique personality constructs in the prediction of alcohol use/problems, and should be considered separately in future research and when designing…
Highlights: ► We examine different facets of impulsivity in predicting student alcohol use/problems. ► Sensation seeking influences alcohol use via enhancement motives. ► Negative urgency predicts alcohol-related problems but not use. ► Demonstrates theoretical differences in impulsivity traits. ► Younger and residential students at risk of increased use.