The purpose of this cross-sectional study was to test a cause-and-effect model of factors affecting leisure satisfaction among
Taiwanese adolescents. A structural equation model was proposed in which the relationships among leisure motivation, leisure
involvement, and leisure satisfaction were explored. The study collected data from 701 adolescent students at a junior college
in central Taiwan. Participants were assessed using a questionnaire that captured leisure motivation, leisure involvement,
leisure satisfaction and demographic data. The preliminary model fit criteria, overall model fit, and fit of the internal
structure of model were used to assess the leisure satisfaction model fit. The results revealed that leisure motivation had
no significant effect on leisure satisfaction when leisure involvement was also in the model, but leisure motivation had a
significant effect on leisure involvement. Adolescents with higher leisure involvement had more positive leisure satisfaction.
We found that 92.0% of the variance in adolescents’ leisure satisfaction could be explained by leisure involvement. When leisure
involvement was considered in the model, no significant predictive effect on the leisure satisfaction of adolescents was found
for leisure motivation. In order to enhance leisure satisfaction, it is strongly suggested that adolescents learn to be involved
in leisure activities and obtain support from their family.
Taiwanese adolescents. A structural equation model was proposed in which the relationships among leisure motivation, leisure
involvement, and leisure satisfaction were explored. The study collected data from 701 adolescent students at a junior college
in central Taiwan. Participants were assessed using a questionnaire that captured leisure motivation, leisure involvement,
leisure satisfaction and demographic data. The preliminary model fit criteria, overall model fit, and fit of the internal
structure of model were used to assess the leisure satisfaction model fit. The results revealed that leisure motivation had
no significant effect on leisure satisfaction when leisure involvement was also in the model, but leisure motivation had a
significant effect on leisure involvement. Adolescents with higher leisure involvement had more positive leisure satisfaction.
We found that 92.0% of the variance in adolescents’ leisure satisfaction could be explained by leisure involvement. When leisure
involvement was considered in the model, no significant predictive effect on the leisure satisfaction of adolescents was found
for leisure motivation. In order to enhance leisure satisfaction, it is strongly suggested that adolescents learn to be involved
in leisure activities and obtain support from their family.
- Content Type Journal Article
- Pages 1-13
- DOI 10.1007/s11205-011-9979-2
- Authors
- Ying-Chieh Chen, Graduate Institute of International Business Administration, Chinese Culture University, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC
- Ren-Hau Li, Department of Psychology, Chung Shan Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan, ROC
- Sheng-Hwang Chen, Department of Service Business Management, Hsin Sheng College of Medicine Care and Management, No. 418, Gaoping Sec., Zhongfeng Rd., Longtan Township, Taoyuan County, 325 Taiwan, ROC
- Journal Social Indicators Research
- Online ISSN 1573-0921
- Print ISSN 0303-8300