Background Previous studies have investigated an association between psychopathy and depression as part of the broader study of co-morbidity between psychopathy and Axis I psychopathology or as part of validity tests for psychopathy. These study methods have, however, been limited, for example, by exclusive use of questionnaires, or categorical measures of depression, and by low base rates of psychopathology.
Aims Our aims were to extend previous research on psychopathy and depression and to test the hypothesis that total Psychopathy Checklist – Revised (PCL-R) scores, and the four facets of interpersonal, affective, lifestyle and anti-social behaviour, would be negatively associated with depressive symptom scores.
Methods Dimensional measures of psychopathy and lifetime major depression were derived from structured interviews (the PCL-R and the Structured Clinical Interview for Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Third Edition, Revised) with adult male prisoners. The emotional experience of depression was also studied through analysis of the narratives used by the men to describe their depressive symptoms.
Results The PCL-R scores, and in particular the interpersonal, affective and lifestyle facets of the PCL-R, were inversely associated with depression scores.
Conclusion Our findings suggest that psychopathy does influence the way depression is experienced. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.