A review of research investigating prelingually deaf individuals’ word reading skills, phonemic awareness, and reading comprehension
challenges the widely held conclusion that the impoverished readings skills of such individuals are the result of poor phonological
processing abilities. Compelling findings show that—notwithstanding often remarkably poor phonemic awareness of the prelingually
deaf—such readers succeed in developing word-reading strategies that sustain written word recognition at comparable levels
to their hearing counterparts. Moreover, evidence suggests no direct causal relationship between their sensitivity to the
phonological properties of words and their ability to comprehend connected text. These findings further indicate that such
readers may gain from the development of orthographic knowledge in conjunction with syntactic awareness and metacognitive
skills but not necessarily from the sheer fostering of their phonemic/phonological awareness.
challenges the widely held conclusion that the impoverished readings skills of such individuals are the result of poor phonological
processing abilities. Compelling findings show that—notwithstanding often remarkably poor phonemic awareness of the prelingually
deaf—such readers succeed in developing word-reading strategies that sustain written word recognition at comparable levels
to their hearing counterparts. Moreover, evidence suggests no direct causal relationship between their sensitivity to the
phonological properties of words and their ability to comprehend connected text. These findings further indicate that such
readers may gain from the development of orthographic knowledge in conjunction with syntactic awareness and metacognitive
skills but not necessarily from the sheer fostering of their phonemic/phonological awareness.
- Content Type Journal Article
- Pages 1-18
- DOI 10.1007/s10882-011-9246-0
- Authors
- Paul Miller, Department of Education, University of Haifa (IL), Haifa, 31905 Israel
- M. Diane Clark, VL2 Science of Learning Center, Gallaudet University, Washington DC, USA
- Journal Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities
- Online ISSN 1573-3580
- Print ISSN 1056-263X