Objective: This study examines how the number of family members with ADHD affects other family members’ perceived resources. Method: A total of 40 adolescents diagnosed with ADHD and their mothers, fathers, and adolescent siblings living in the household participated. Hierarchical linear modeling was used to analyze family-level data from a total of 130 participants. Results: Mothers reported more resources when only the target adolescent had ADHD and more nonsupportive factors when more than one member of the family had ADHD. Fathers reported more supportive factors when only one member of the family had ADHD. Conclusion: Parents reported greater resources and strengths when only one adolescent family member had ADHD; however, family members had varying viewpoints. The ADHD Family Scale examined issues specific to ADHD, compared with general family stress and resource scales, and may be a useful tool for examining the impact of ADHD on all members of a family. (J. of Att. Dis. 2011; XX(X) 1-XX)