This study investigated the prospective, longitudinal relations between parental behaviors observed during parent-adolescent
interactions, and the development of depression and anxiety symptoms in a community-based sample of 194 adolescents. Positive
and negative parental behaviors were examined, with negative behaviors operationalized to distinguish between observed parental
expressions of aggression and dysphoria. Results showed that higher levels of parental aggression prospectively predicted
higher levels of both depression and anxiety symptoms in adolescents over two-and-a-half years, whereas higher levels of positive
parental behaviors prospectively predicted lower levels of depression symptoms only. Parental dysphoric behavior was not related
to changes in either symptom dimension. These results suggest that patterns of parental behaviors may be differentially associated
with depressive versus anxious outcomes in adolescents, and highlight the potential role for family-focused prevention or
treatment interventions aimed at reducing an escalation of depression and anxiety symptoms in adolescence.
interactions, and the development of depression and anxiety symptoms in a community-based sample of 194 adolescents. Positive
and negative parental behaviors were examined, with negative behaviors operationalized to distinguish between observed parental
expressions of aggression and dysphoria. Results showed that higher levels of parental aggression prospectively predicted
higher levels of both depression and anxiety symptoms in adolescents over two-and-a-half years, whereas higher levels of positive
parental behaviors prospectively predicted lower levels of depression symptoms only. Parental dysphoric behavior was not related
to changes in either symptom dimension. These results suggest that patterns of parental behaviors may be differentially associated
with depressive versus anxious outcomes in adolescents, and highlight the potential role for family-focused prevention or
treatment interventions aimed at reducing an escalation of depression and anxiety symptoms in adolescence.
- Content Type Journal Article
- Pages 1-13
- DOI 10.1007/s10802-011-9542-2
- Authors
- Orli S. Schwartz, Department of Psychological Sciences, University of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
- Paul Dudgeon, Department of Psychological Sciences, University of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
- Lisa B. Sheeber, Oregon Research Institute, Eugene, OR, USA
- Marie B. H. Yap, Orygen Youth Health Research Centre, Centre for Youth Mental Health, University of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
- Julian G. Simmons, Orygen Youth Health Research Centre, Centre for Youth Mental Health, University of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
- Nicholas B. Allen, Department of Psychological Sciences, University of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
- Journal Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology
- Online ISSN 1573-2835
- Print ISSN 0091-0627