Publication year: 2011
Source: Child Abuse & Neglect, In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 7 September 2011
Jenniffer K., Miranda , Nuria, de la Osa , Roser, Granero , Lourdes, Ezpeleta
Objectives: The current study examined the independent effects of mothers’ childhood abuse (CA) and intimate partner violence (IPV) on psychopathology and functional impairment in children; and the potential moderating and mediating role of individual and family factors in these relationships. Additionally, this study explored the potential cumulative effects of both maternal CA and IPV on children’s outcomes. Method: The sample included 547 Spanish children and adolescents aged between 8 and 17 years, and their parents, who had accessed mental health services. The assessment was based on structured interviews with the children and their parents. Statistical analyses were carried out through hierarchical multiple, negative-binomial…