Eager strategies of self-regulation, known as promotion orientation, and cautious or vigilant strategies of self-regulation,
known as prevention orientation, have been found to be associated with distinct patterns of goal attainment and information
exploration. Building on these findings, we hypothesize that self-regulation in a promotion versus prevention focus triggers
specific patterns of information use in judgment. Specifically, we predict that reliance on ease-of-retrieval—the feeling
of ease or difficulty associated with accessing information—is particularly pronounced with a predominant promotion- compared
to prevention-orientation. Two experiments that manipulate ease-of-retrieval and assess habitual differences in regulatory
focus orientation support this prediction. The current contribution thus extends previous research by documenting that habitual
tendencies of promotion-oriented as compared to prevention-oriented self-regulation are associated with reliance on distinct
information sources in judgment.
known as prevention orientation, have been found to be associated with distinct patterns of goal attainment and information
exploration. Building on these findings, we hypothesize that self-regulation in a promotion versus prevention focus triggers
specific patterns of information use in judgment. Specifically, we predict that reliance on ease-of-retrieval—the feeling
of ease or difficulty associated with accessing information—is particularly pronounced with a predominant promotion- compared
to prevention-orientation. Two experiments that manipulate ease-of-retrieval and assess habitual differences in regulatory
focus orientation support this prediction. The current contribution thus extends previous research by documenting that habitual
tendencies of promotion-oriented as compared to prevention-oriented self-regulation are associated with reliance on distinct
information sources in judgment.
- Content Type Journal Article
- Category Original Paper
- Pages 1-11
- DOI 10.1007/s11031-011-9251-8
- Authors
- Rainer Greifeneder, School of Social Sciences, University of Mannheim, A5, A434, 61831 Mannheim, Germany
- Johannes Keller, University of Ulm, Ulm, Germany
- Journal Motivation and Emotion
- Online ISSN 1573-6644
- Print ISSN 0146-7239