Four specific personality factors have been theorized to put adolescents at risk for alcohol abuse: hopelessness (HOP), anxiety
sensitivity (AS), sensation seeking (SS), and impulsivity (IMP). We examined relations of these personality factors to various
alcohol-related indices in a sample at high risk for alcohol problems—specifically, a child welfare sample. Adolescents (n = 197; mean age = 16.8 years; 43% males) receiving services through Ontario Child Protective Services participated. Personality
was assessed with the Substance Use Risk Profile Scale (SURPS). Alcohol-related outcomes were assessed with the Ontario Student
Drug Use and Health Survey (OSDUHS). Results showed that, consistent with theory, HOP, SS, and IMP were all positively correlated
with overall drinking levels and overall alcohol problems on the OSDUHS. Unexpectedly, AS was negatively correlated with overall
drinking levels and was unrelated to the OSDUHS overall alcohol problems factor. Consistent with hypothesis, HOP was related
to an increased likelihood of receiving treatment for an alcohol problem. But, despite greater drinking levels and alcohol
problems, IMP was related to a decreased likelihood of receiving alcohol treatment. In addition, SS and HOP were related to
earlier onset drinking. Additional exploratory analyses revealed that AS was positively associated with difficulties stopping
drinking and negatively associated with discussing such difficulties with school personnel. Implications for treatment and
prevention of heavy drinking and alcohol problems in child welfare youth are discussed.
sensitivity (AS), sensation seeking (SS), and impulsivity (IMP). We examined relations of these personality factors to various
alcohol-related indices in a sample at high risk for alcohol problems—specifically, a child welfare sample. Adolescents (n = 197; mean age = 16.8 years; 43% males) receiving services through Ontario Child Protective Services participated. Personality
was assessed with the Substance Use Risk Profile Scale (SURPS). Alcohol-related outcomes were assessed with the Ontario Student
Drug Use and Health Survey (OSDUHS). Results showed that, consistent with theory, HOP, SS, and IMP were all positively correlated
with overall drinking levels and overall alcohol problems on the OSDUHS. Unexpectedly, AS was negatively correlated with overall
drinking levels and was unrelated to the OSDUHS overall alcohol problems factor. Consistent with hypothesis, HOP was related
to an increased likelihood of receiving treatment for an alcohol problem. But, despite greater drinking levels and alcohol
problems, IMP was related to a decreased likelihood of receiving alcohol treatment. In addition, SS and HOP were related to
earlier onset drinking. Additional exploratory analyses revealed that AS was positively associated with difficulties stopping
drinking and negatively associated with discussing such difficulties with school personnel. Implications for treatment and
prevention of heavy drinking and alcohol problems in child welfare youth are discussed.
- Content Type Journal Article
- Pages 1-15
- DOI 10.1007/s11469-011-9339-0
- Authors
- Sherry Heather Stewart, Departments of Psychiatry and Psychology, Dalhousie University, 1355 Oxford Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada B3H 4J1
- Melissa McGonnell, Department of Psychology, Dalhousie University, 1355 Oxford Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada B3H 4J1
- Christine Wekerle, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
- Ed Adlaf, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
- The MAP Longitudinal Study Research Team, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
- Journal International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction
- Online ISSN 1557-1882
- Print ISSN 1557-1874