This brief article examines a painting by the extraordinarily gifted artist Salvador Dali, a prominent exponent of the art
termed surrealism, based on the Freudian concepts of subconscious, automatism, and free association. Particular attention
is drawn in the painting to the birth canal, symbolized by an open-mouthed fish in the process of “giving birth” to a half-born
tiger who is appearing to assault a sleeping female lying on the beach; as well as to a pomegranate representing the female
termed surrealism, based on the Freudian concepts of subconscious, automatism, and free association. Particular attention
is drawn in the painting to the birth canal, symbolized by an open-mouthed fish in the process of “giving birth” to a half-born
tiger who is appearing to assault a sleeping female lying on the beach; as well as to a pomegranate representing the female
- Content Type Journal Article
- DOI 10.1007/s10591-010-9134-2
- Authors
- Gerald H. Zuk, 7620 Hollister Ave. Unit #219, Goleta, CA 93117, USA
- Carmen V. Zuk, 7620 Hollister Ave. Unit #219, Goleta, CA 93117, USA
- Journal Contemporary Family Therapy
- Online ISSN 1573-3335
- Print ISSN 0892-2764