Publication year: 2010
Source: Child Abuse & Neglect, In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 27 October 2010
Gisele Caldas, Alexandre , Paulo, Nadanovsky , Claudia Leite, Moraes , Michael, Reichenheim
Objective: Substitute fathers are often reported to commit child abuse at higher rates than birth (i.e., putative genetic) fathers. Due to the paucity of studies, especially in developing countries, and to some conflicting results from developed countries regarding the identity of perpetrators of less extreme forms of physical abuse of children in stepfamilies, the aim of this study was to assess whether the presence of a stepfather would constitute a risk factor for violence against Brazilian children, as reported by their mothers. Methods: Three hundred eighty five women with a current male partner and a child aged 1–12 years were interviewed. Child physical…