This study explores cultural differences in perceptions of quality of care and examines whether existing surveys, such as
the Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS®) questionnaires, adequately capture conceptions of healthcare quality among members of racial/ethnic minority groups. Eight
focus groups with African Americans, Asian Indians, Latinos, and whites were organized into two 45-minute segments. In one
segment, participants rated the quality of care depicted in a video; in the other they discussed the concept of “healthcare
quality.” We found that members of racial/ethnic minority groups are more likely than whites to identify cultural competency
and providing a holistic approach to care as important to healthcare quality. Neither of these concepts is currently included
in the core CAHPS® questionnaire. The CAHPS® and other quality surveys may not accurately capture concepts of healthcare quality that members of racial/ethnic minority
groups deem most important.
the Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS®) questionnaires, adequately capture conceptions of healthcare quality among members of racial/ethnic minority groups. Eight
focus groups with African Americans, Asian Indians, Latinos, and whites were organized into two 45-minute segments. In one
segment, participants rated the quality of care depicted in a video; in the other they discussed the concept of “healthcare
quality.” We found that members of racial/ethnic minority groups are more likely than whites to identify cultural competency
and providing a holistic approach to care as important to healthcare quality. Neither of these concepts is currently included
in the core CAHPS® questionnaire. The CAHPS® and other quality surveys may not accurately capture concepts of healthcare quality that members of racial/ethnic minority
groups deem most important.
- Content Type Journal Article
- DOI 10.1007/s10903-010-9403-z
- Authors
- Ann D. Bagchi, Research Division, Mathematica Policy Research, 600 Alexander Park, Princeton, NJ 08540, USA
- Raquel af Ursin, Survey Division, Mathematica Policy Research, Princeton, NJ USA
- Alicia Leonard, Survey Division, Mathematica Policy Research, Princeton, NJ USA
- Journal Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
- Online ISSN 1557-1920
- Print ISSN 1557-1912