Faculty of Old Age Psychiatry: Impact of COVID-19 on the functional mental health of older adults
Race equality: What we’re doing
Celebrating Impact: improving young people’s lives using evidence from national cohort data
Operationalizing Economic Mobility Outcome Measures in the Field: B. Jaques-Leslie & P. McCauley
Aurora Police, Social Workers Partner To Respond To Calls Together
Mental Health, Substance Use Disorders & COVID-19: Impact of the Pandemic on Communities of Color
Acting on the lived experience of Long Covid
Patty Plaskon, The role of social work in cancer care
Food Justice
Celebrating Impact: Understanding justice for inequality and gender-based violence
A changing climate, changes disease
Katherine Magnuson on an Overview of Measuring Economic Mobility and Definitions
India’s caste system: What it means to be a Dalit woman?
What’s the Matter with America? – Thomas Frank
Masked Not Muted | UNICEF
Is Mutual Aid a Route to Neighbourhood Democracy
Celebrating Impact: Redesigning prisons to foster rehabilitation and hope
WMU School of Social Work Celebrates Our 50th Anniversary!
Robert Goerge on Past, Present and Future Challenges Measuring Outcomes for Vulnerable Populations
Peer Review Ethics
How to Conduct a Peer Review
Conversation with Ada Deer
A change of power, but no change in the goal to sustain capitalism – Richard Wolff
Does Predictive Policing Enforce Racial Bias?
The fentanyl drug epidemic in North America | DW Documentary
Poverty, Politics and Profit (full film) | FRONTLINE
Social Work, White Supremacy, and Racial Justice Symposium (Part 1)
Substance use among 15- to 16-year-old students (ESPAD 2019)
An introduction by Dr. Sarah Todd, Director of the School of Social work at Carleton University
Objective Assessment of Nature’s Effect on the Brain
The Science of Love in Childhood – Episode 3 | UNICEF
UNICEF Innocenti’s Children & COVID-19 Research Library
Not Feeling It: Adolescent Depression and Reward Processing Gone Awry
Advance Care Planning: Challenges and Opportunities: Second Webinar
Evaluations and Racial Equity: Considerations for State and Local Policymakers and Researchers
How Not To Be Wrong: the art of changing your mind
Colorado Legislator Acts with Bold Humility to Prevent Suicide
Toxic masculinity is also internalized & played out by women – Dr. Harriet Fraad & Julianna Forlano
Shaping Social Work Identity: An All-Ireland Study Webinar
Behavioural Science and a Post-COVID World
Supporting resilience and mental well-being in pandemic frontline healthcare professionals
Stop HIV Stigma Short Videos: Nestor and Rosanne
Play Unified – Special Olympics and Inclusion
Establishing a Roadmap for the Path Forward to Envisioning Universal Measures of Economic Mobility
Brief Intro to Borderline Personality Disorder for Child Protection Staff
Confusion Assessment Method (CAM©)