Two ambulances and a paramedic response unit arrived at the HUB in the Bronx to care for a man who was sprawled out on the freezing pavement due to a drug overdose
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Two ambulances and a paramedic response unit arrived at the HUB in the Bronx to care for a man who was sprawled out on the freezing pavement due to a drug overdose
In an attempt to increase support for current social workers and encourage more students to enter the occupation, a bill called the SUPER Act is under consideration in the Massachusetts Legislature. This act would provide stipends for students, incentivize licensed social workers to mentor student trainees, and remove the Association of Social Workers Board exam from master’s degree requirements. The SUPER Act, which stands for Social Work Uplifting Practices and Exam Removal, aims to increased the workforce by tearing down barriers to the profession. A state-funded grant program would provide stipends for master’s degree students in unpaid work-based placements, prioritizing first-generation students, students of color, and marginalized communities.
The disintegration of working-class institutions and the rise of professionalized advocacy has severed the connections between progressive civil society and working-class communities. Above: A meeting of Local 600 of the United Auto Workers, on strike at the River Rouge Ford plant, April 4, 1941.
The social worker, who was accused of hindering officers by standing in front of a police cordon and striking an officer’s shield, was convicted in June 2020 and jailed for a year. His sentence was reduced to eight months following a successful appeal…. Lau was a former social worker at Good Neighbourhood North District Church, which supported protesters in 2019, until December 2020.
In addition to research, over the years Paora Moyle has lectured and designed social work programs to educate social workers working with whnau. Moyle has been nationally recognised for services to survivors of abuse in care.
Police in eastern China have been targeting dozens of writers who posted gay-themed erotica online, resulting in heavy fines and even prison sentences. However, the crackdown by officers in Anhui, who have been investigating and detaining people from other provinces, has prompted concerns that officers are abusing their powers as well as a wider debate about whether the law is too severe.
The most terrifying moments often unfold in mundane situations. My own taste of horror emerges every time I enter a bar and I’m met with a prolonged silence after asking: ‘Can I use the toilet, please?’ In supposedly affluent Western nations, the dire state or absence of public toilets has become a universal nightmare, impacting the health and quality of life of all of us, but particularly for marginalised groups.
If we compare ourselves to other rich countries, we don’t do very well. We spend much more money – about double per patient, on average, compared with other OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) countries – and get much less in return. In a study of 10 wealthy nations, including New Zealand, Sweden and Canada, The Commonwealth Fund – a private foundation for health care research – ranks the U.S. last overall.
This story is part of a much bigger demographic shift. After a century of rising life expectancy, people in the west are living 30 years longer than they did in 1900, on average, with 75% now reaching their 65th birthday and beyond. For those born in and around the baby boomer generation, this means entering the longest phase of elderhood in history, full of potential but also fraught with challenges.
“This adds to some emerging evidence that an individual’s brain structure, alongside their unique genetics, environmental exposures, and interactions among these factors, may impact their level of risk and resilience for substance use and addiction,” said Nora Volkow M.D., director of NIDA.
Hospital buildings in England are in such a dilapidated state they risk fires, floods and electrical faults, internal NHS trust documents reveal, with leaders saying conditions have become “outright dangerous”. Official papers from NHS trust board meetings show how staff and patients are being put at risk by an alarming array of hazards due to weaknesses in hospitals’ infrastructure.
Although being married or in a long-term relationship is often seen as the norm, more people are staying single for life. But singlehood can bring economic and medical disadvantages, especially as people get older and may become more reliant on others.
A historic building on the University of Texas at Austin campus is now being demolished to make way for a new practice facility…. Most recently, the building housed the Steve Hicks School of Social Work.
Americans point to coverage denials and steep profits from insurance industry
The Tennessee Association of School Librarians (TASL) estimates that at least 1,100 books have been purged from public schools in Tennessee since the General Assembly passed the amendment that provided the criteria for what is considered “suitable for the age and maturity levels” of students that was missing in the 2022 AAMA. Above: Tennessee State Flag
Green handkerchiefs bearing the slogan “Abortion for All of Mexico” in front of the State of Mexico Congress on September 19, 2024, in Toluca, Mexico.
The Department of Homeless Services said in a statement, “This is an absolutely horrific tragedy and a tremendous loss to the Department of Homeless Services.”
Sören Pellmann (Left Party) calls for school social work to be made compulsory at all general education schools…. The Education and Science Union (GEW) is also calling for an expansion. “The need for school social work is undisputed and the demand is increasing every day,” said deputy state chair Claudia Maaß in a statement.
New York is the second state to pass a law ensuring big polluters will play for climate damages. Vermont passed a similar law over the summer—a year after a federal emergency was declared across the state after a storm dumped two months’ worth of rain in just two days, causing historic and devastating flooding. Jamie Henn, director of Fossil Free Media, said the Climate Change Superfund Act “kicks open the door for more states to follow.”
Over the past year, Grist has examined publicly available data to locate trust lands associated with land-grant universities seeded by the Morrill Act. We found 14 universities that matched this criteria. In the process, we identified their original sources and analyzed their ongoing uses. In all, we located and mapped more than 8.36 million surface and subsurface acres taken from 123 Indigenous nations. This land currently produces income for those institutions.
L’Herrou said agencies such as the Virginia Department of Social Services are now classifying some situations as “Poverty Adjacent Neglect,” acknowledging that families often lack the resources they need. She advocated for solutions that address these root causes, including raising the minimum wage, strengthening programs such as SNAP and TANF, and expanding access to affordable child care.
A record number of Americans are living outside. Cities have responded by removing encampments from public spaces, a practice commonly referred to as “sweeps.” In the process, workers often take people’s belongings — including important documents, survival gear and irreplaceable mementos. Over and over, people across the country told ProPublica they were devastated by such losses. We gave them notecards so they could explain in their own words how the sweeps have affected them.
Dr Ciarán Murphy and fellow researchers from Buckinghamshire New University, Bath Spa University and The Open University were granted the funding award – one of the most significant for social work research nationally and the largest Edge Hill’s social work department has ever received – by the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR).
The Treasury needs to rethink public spending to focus on prevention of the UK’s health, crime and homelessness problems after cuts of up to 78% under the Tories, a report from Demos and the Health Foundation has found.
World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus and colleagues were at the airport, wrapping up a trip “to negotiate the release of U.N. staff detainees and to assess the health and humanitarian situation in Yemen,” when the attack occurred, the agency leader said on social media.
In recent years a number of platforms have sprung up to sell conservative-made items, from “anti-woke” dog food to pro-America lipstick, in a pushback against what they claim is “cancel culture” in the US – and what others might see as a fairly cynical attempt to cash in on rightwing Americans’ political beliefs. Mammoth Nation and Public Square are among the most prominent in the movement, both offering an Amazon-esque service, but stocking only goods which they claim are made by companies which have “conservative values”.
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Brooks’ death comes after advocates had previously raised concerns over safety at the site. The prison watchdog group Correctional Association of New York issued a report based on an October 2022 visit to Marcy, where the group said it found “rampant abuse by staff, including physical assaults and observations of a retaliatory environment.”
I’d argue that we still need a new Dickens, an artist who commands global fame and unalloyed praise and whose work helps those who need help the most. That’s a lot to ask for this troubled and war-torn Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa, but we can hope as 2025 approaches.
Some cities take people’s belongings — ignoring their own policies and court orders — and then fail to store them. Our reporting shows there are more effective and compassionate ways to deal with homeless encampments.
The War on Christmas isn’t fully a figment of Fox News’s imagination. But the villains are today’s capitalist Scrooges, relentlessly exploiting their workers with long hours and low wages through the holidays. Above: An original illustration of “Marley’s Ghost”… from the 1843 edition of A Christmas Carol.
Almost three quarters of adolescents in Australia experience clinically significant depression or anxiety symptoms, with most being chronic, according to a new study. And preventive strategies outside our clinics are urgently required to address this considerable public health problem facing the nation.
After 38 years, Dr. Dennis Long, Professor in the Social Work Department and one of Xavier’s most senior faculty will retire at the end of the academic year.
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development said federally required tallies taken across the country in January found that more than 770,000 people were counted as homeless — a number that misses some people and does not include those staying with friends or family because they do not have a place of their own.
Incoming Washtenaw County Sheriff Alyshia Dyer, a former social worker, plans to partner with Prosecutor Eli Savit to advance reforms that were siloed in different parts of the justice system. Above: Dyer is sworn in by District Court Judge Erane Washington
The report by social policy consultant Mary Higgins found on-street services were undermining regulated services and exposing vulnerable people to “undignified” and “unsafe” conditions. Groups “do not have the skills or experience to engage with people who are homeless, and there are examples of their interventions undermining the work of mainstream providers and possibly supporting people to remain on or return to the streets”, she said.
Nelly Jiménez-Arévalo, executive director and CEO of ACLAMO, stands in front of new playground equipment for preschool children.
Reading the book as an Irish person, one is struck by just how much is left out, rather than how much insight is gained. But given that there is no one canonical text on the Troubles, Say Nothing has in some ways stepped into this void, serving as many people’s first and only insight into the conflict. Now that Keefe’s already accessible history is available as streaming TV, its influence is only likely to grow.
Published in Nature Cities, the study revealed the problem worsened following changes to the housing market triggered by the 2008 global crash. And since 2017 it has been “expanding in scope and severity” to affect a broader array of US cities including Portland (OR), Phoenix, Houston, Atlanta, Dallas-Fort Worth, and Philadelphia, as well as large urban areas such as Los Angeles, New York City and San Francisco.
Madoshi described how she finds it difficult to watch the wealthy and powerful propose, with cavalier attitudes, to take her sole livelihood away from her. A critical, load-bearing social program, of the utmost importance to the well-being of Madoshi and tens of millions of retired Americans like her, is under incessant attack. These threats are soon to be intensified
When sex workers are able to form relationships with co-workers, they can boost their odds of accessing support services and decrease their odds of facing workplace sexual or physical violence, according to a new study. The Lower Mainland study, peer-reviewed and published in PLOS One, looked at social cohesion and the ways sex workers support one another despite laws that work to isolate and criminalize them. Above: The Red Umbrella March for sex work solidarity has been taking place each June in Vancouver since 2012.
In a statement shared on Dec. 24, the Minister of Health and Social Services, Tracy-Anne McPhee (above), and Chief Coroner Heather Jones, said the work to develop regulations for social workers is continuing. According to the statement, the Yukon government recently met with the Association of Social Workers in Northern Canada to “initiate discussions about regulating social workers.”
The final bill did not extend protections for victims of SNAP benefit theft after it was axed from an original spending deal—a move that Bobby Kogan, the senior director of federal budget policy at the Center for American Progress, called “true Ebenezer Scrooge stuff.” Kogan laid blame at the feet of billionaire Elon Musk, who whipped up opposition to the earlier, bipartisan version of the spending deal. Under the original deal, the SNAP benefit theft protections would have been continued for another four years, according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.
Hospitals that have adopted the Center for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) “hospital-at-home” program, which serves as an alternative to admission to brick-and-mortar facilities, are concentrated in large, urban, not-for-profit, and academic hospitals, new research suggests. The findings are among the first to portray the landscape of hospitals participating in this rapidly growing care model, said Dr. Hashem Zikry, a participant in the National Clinician Scholars Program at UCLA and lead author on the paper.
After being taught that education and work was the path to ‘getting on’, millennials have learnt the hard way that the vast wealth being inherited by the children of property-owning parents is far more important than any idea of social mobility.
In the Great Lakes region of Africa, which is ground zero in the global supply chain for Big Tech, Apple appears to have betrayed its vision. The company stands accused of deceiving consumers, laundering Congolese minerals and profiting from war crimes, according to criminal complaints filed against Apple subsidiaries in France and Belgium. A team of international lawyers representing the government of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) claims Apple’s computers and phones are tainted by the blood of Congolese people.
Why is it that there is so much desperation here on the outskirts of Europe that many women see no alternative to killing their partners? Why does everyone look away until it is too late? What could be done to help? Above: The entrance to the only women’s prison in Moldova
Americans are crushed by skyrocketing premiums, crippling medical debt, and denial of care that devastates millions of lives. It should be no surprise that frustration has reached a boiling point, igniting a fierce, widespread demand for real, systemic change. Ordinary people are clear that insurance companies don’t exist to protect their health, but to protect and maximize profits for shareholders.