The Social Worker’s Guide to Children and Families Law, 2nd edition
Chasing the American Dream: Understanding What Shapes Our Fortunes
Global Mixed Race
Patterns of migration and the forces of globalization have brought the issues of mixed race to the public in far more visible, far more dramatic ways than ever before. Global Mixed Race examines the contemporary experiences of people of mixed descent in nations around the world, moving beyond US borders to explore the dynamics of racial mixing and multiple descent in Zambia, Trinidad and Tobago, Mexico, Brazil, Kazakhstan, Germany, the United Kingdom, Canada, Okinawa, Australia, and New Zealand. In particular, the volume’s editors ask: how have new global flows of ideas, goods, and people affected the lives and social placements of people of mixed descent?
The Gentrification of the Mind Witness to a Lost Imagination
Toxic Town IBM, Pollution, and Industrial Risks
In 1924, IBM built its first plant in Endicott, New York. Now, Endicott is a contested toxic waste site. With its landscape thoroughly contaminated by carcinogens, Endicott is the subject of one of the nation’s largest corporate-state mitigation efforts. Yet despite the efforts of IBM and the U.S. government, Endicott residents remain skeptical that the mitigation systems employed were designed with their best interests at heart.
Sex Work: Rethinking the Job, Respecting the Workers
Violent Accounts: Understanding the Psychology of Perpetrators through South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission
Violent Accounts presents a compelling study of how ordinary people commit extraordinary acts of violence and how perpetrators and victims manage in the aftermath. Grounded in extensive, qualitative analysis of perpetrator testimony, the volume reveals the individual experiences of perpetrators as well as general patterns of influence that lead to collective violence.
Applications of Social Network Analysis
Since its appearance in the 1930s in the form of sociometry, social network analysis (SNA) has become a major paradigm for social research in such areas as communication, organizations, and social mobility, to name but a few. It is used by researchers in a wide range of disciplines: like any mathematical approach to social research, social network analysis strips away the unique details of social situations to reveal, or model, the bare structural essentials. By doing so, it enables the researcher to identify similarities across widely disparate contexts, and so to benefit from the insights of many different fields of study. This major work is dedicated specifically to the applications of social network analysis in diverse fields of scholarship. Divided into four volumes, each of which opens with a contextualising introduction written by the editor, this collection aims to provide scholars from a wide range of disciplines with a comprehensive, touchstone resource on the topic.
Improving Access to Further and Higher Education for Young People in Public Care: European Policy and Practice
Racial Disproportionality in Child Welfare
The number of children of color entering the child welfare system in the United States is disproportionately high. This is especially true among African-American children, who, though they comprise 15% of children in the U.S., account for 37% of the total children placed in foster care. The numbers are also high for Native American and Latino children. Not only are children of color removed from parental custody and placed in care more often than their white counterparts, but they also remain in care longer, receive fewer services, and have less contact with the caseworkers assigned to them.
DSM-5® Handbook of Differential Diagnosis
Dog Whistle Politics: How Coded Racial Appeals Have Reinvented Racism and Wrecked the Middle Class
Campaigning for president in 1980, Ronald Reagan told stories of Cadillac-driving “welfare queens” and “strapping young bucks” buying T-bone steaks with food stamps. In trumpeting these tales of welfare run amok, Reagan never needed to mention race, because he was blowing a dog whistle: sending a message about racial minorities inaudible on one level, but clearly heard on another. In doing so, he tapped into a long political tradition that started with George Wallace and Richard Nixon, and is more relevant than ever in the age of the Tea Party and the first black president. . . . Chapter Five Updating the Whistle: Clinton and W.
Neoliberalism’s War on Higher Education
Neoliberalism’s War on Higher Education reveals how neoliberal policies, practices, and modes of material and symbolic violence have radically reshaped the mission and practice of higher education, short-changing a generation of young people. Giroux exposes the corporate forces at play and charts a clear-minded and inspired course of action out of the shadows of market-driven education policy. Championing the youth around the globe who have dared to resist the bartering of their future, he calls upon public intellectuals—as well as all people concer ned about the future of democracy—to speak out and defend the university as a site of critical learning and democratic promise.
Poverty in Scotland 2014: The independence referendum and beyond
In a comprehensive, yet accessible, account of the state of poverty in Scotland, the main trends are highlighted and explained against the backdrop of ‘austerity’ and radical changes to the UK social security system. As well as reviewing the impact of policy developments since the 2011 edition, the anti-poverty cases for both independence and the union are set out by leading advocates of the Yes and Better Together campaigns. Contributions from academics, policy experts and campaigners also look to the future in setting out principles for a more equitable Scotland – whatever the outcome of the referendum. And in this latest edition, a series of essays explores the ways other countries and regions have sought to tackle poverty and inequality within a variety of constitutional settlements and demands for further autonomy.
The Oxford Handbook of Conflict Management in Organizations
Making Individual Service Funds Work for People with Dementia Living in Care Homes: How it Works in Practice
The Psychology of Prejudice
Understanding Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: A Guide to FASD for Parents, Carers and Professionals
Understanding Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is a useful introduction to the most common non-genetic learning disability, which is caused by alcohol consumption during pregnancy. Written by two FASD experts, it describes how alcohol can harm the foetus and disrupt development, and explains how FASD affects individuals at different stages of their lives. With the aid of simple, illustrative diagrams, photographs and charts, it shows how you can identify FASD, and gives guidance on how mothers at risk can be helped, and provides advice for parents or carers on how children, young people and adults with FASD can be best supported.
Juvenile Justice Sourcebook, Second Edition
Edited by Wesley T Church, II, David Springer, and Albert R Roberts
Several million reported and unreported delinquent acts take place each year. In fact, according to the U.S. Department of Justice and the U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics, juvenile delinquency, acting-out and oppositional behavior, illegal drugs, guns, and youth violence are pervasive throughout American society. Juvenile Justice Sourcebook is the first comprehensive volume devoted exclusively to the biopsychosocial assessment, police and juvenile court processing, and institutional and community-based treatment and rehabilitation of juvenile offenders.
Specialty Competencies in Cognitive and Behavioral Psychology
Genetic Syndromes and Applied Behaviour Analysis: A Handbook for ABA Practitioners
This ground-breaking resource demonstrates how genetic knowledge can influence our understanding of a child’s behaviour and therefore inform their behavioural support plan. With expert advice and clear instructions, it shows exactly how to go about incorporating syndrome knowledge into ABA practice and start treating children with specific genetic syndromes more effectively. Six different genetic syndromes are covered in detail, ranging from Angelman syndrome to Williams syndrome. The book also includes general sections on genetic intellectual disability syndromes and an explanation of ABA methodology.
Mayor 1%: Rahm Emanuel and the Rise of Chicago’s 99%
How did a city long dominated by a notorious Democratic Machine become a national battleground in the right-wing war against the public sector? In Mayor 1%, veteran journalist Kari Lydersen takes a close look at Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel and his true agenda. With deep Wall Street ties from his investment banking years and a combative political style honed in Congress and the Clinton and Obama administrations, Emanuel is among a rising class of rock-star mayors promising to remake American cities.
How to Become a More Effective CBT Therapist: Mastering Metacompetence in Clinical Practice
When Boys Become Boys: Development, Relationships, and Masculinity
Core Principles of Meditation for Therapy: Improving the Outcome of Psychotherapeutic Treatment
Writing and Publishing in English: For Second Language and International Scholars [Kindle Edition]
This book is designed to help English as Second Language scholars get published in English language peer-reviewed journals. Even though there are many books on academic writing and publishing, the needs of ESL Scholars are unique. The authors provide specific guidance to write strong, scholarly articles and tips to overcome the challenges of creating those articles in a language that is not their first. Scholars from the sciences, arts and humanities, professional disciplines, and the behavioral and social sciences learn a step-wise approach from generating ideas, through creating the architecture of an article, to managing the peer review process.
Collaborative Cognitive Behavioral Intervention in Social Work Practice: A Workbook
Handbook of Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorders, Volume 1, Diagnosis, Development, and Brain Mechanisms, 4th Edition
Capitalism in the Age of Globalization
Approaches to Social Research: The Case of Deaf Studies
Eating Drugs: Psychopharmaceutical Pluralism in India
Integrative Family and Systems Treatment (I-FAST): A Strengths-Based Common Factors Approach
Trans Bodies, Trans Selves: A Resource for the Transgender Community
Our America: A Hispanic History of the United States
BOOK REVIEW: Social Work Man
On the Margins of a Minority: Leprosy, Madness, and Disability among the Jews of Medieval Europe
Recollecting Freud
Available here for the first time in English, this eyewitness account by one of Freud’s earliest students has been rediscovered for twenty-first-century readers. Isidor Sadger’s recollections provide a unique window into the early days of the psychoanalytic movement—the internecine and ideological conflicts of Freud’s disciples. They also illuminate Freud’s own struggles: his delight in wit, his attitudes toward Judaism, and his strong opinions concerning lay, nonmedical analysts
Naked Statistics: Stripping the Dread from the Data
Tax Is Not a Four-Letter Word: A Different Take on Taxes in Canada
New Perspectives on Poverty
This textbook explores the contemporary realities and perceptions of poverty in America since 1908. The authors use theoretical, empirical, and clinical knowledge in a reader-friendly and jargon-free manner to discuss public and private approaches to poverty and how interest groups influence policies.
Working and Living in the Shadow of Economic Fragility
Community Mental Health in Canada: Revised and Expanded Edition [Theory, Policy, and Practice]
“This book makes an important and unique contribution to understanding mental health issues in Canada, as well as across North America. Most books focus on mental health disorders and neglect the vast areas of service provision and delivery with their attendant complexities. Simon Davis has done an excellent job of covering all of these facets in this comprehensive and well referenced book.” – Jeannette Waegemakers Schiff, Associate Professor, Faculty of Social Work, University of Calgary
Big Book of Benefits and Mental Health 2014/15
This book is extensively used by community mental health teams, social workers, advisers, housing support workers and people affected by mental distress and their carers. If you advise people with mental health problems this book is a must. The advice and guidance it contains on issues such as personal independence payment and support for carers can also be used to advise on other health conditions or disabilities. This 14th annual edition due April 2014.