Sons, Daughters, and Sidewalk Psychotics: Mental Illness and Homelessness in Los Angeles
The Craft of Research, Fifth Edition
Inside the Invisible Cage: How Algorithms Control Workers
Building Recovery Resilience: Addiction Recovery and Relapse Prevention Workbook – An I-System Model Application
Criminology Explains Human Trafficking
Improving University Mental Health
Coping with Psychosis and Schizophrenia: Family Stories of Hope and Recovery
Sin Padres, Ni Papeles: Unaccompanied Migrant Youth Coming of Age in the United States
Re-imagining Social Work: Towards Creative Practice
Critical Wage Theory: Why Wage Justice Is Racial Justice
Craft Weed: Family Farming and the Future of the Marijuana Industry
Is Grad School for Me? Demystifying the Application Process for First-Gen BIPOC Students
Civil Movements in an Illiberal Regime: Political Activism in Hungary
Rural and Small-Town America Context, Composition, and Complexities
Bizarro: The Surreal Saga of America’s Secret War on Synthetic Drugs and the Florida Kingpins It Captured
Migration Stigma: Understanding Prejudice, Discrimination, and Exclusion
Visual Methods for Digital Research: An Introduction
How the demise of gay nightlife has prompted a new underground queer scene
But if gay nightlife has been forced to change, something more exciting is evolving in its place, according to Amin Ghaziani’s book Long Live Queer Nightlife: How the Closing of Gay Bars Sparked a Revolution. By sharing insights and experiences from in and around London’s evolving queer nightlife scene, Ghaziani reveals how it continues to thrive in spite of widespread closures.
Encoding Bioethics: AI in Clinical Decision-Making
Grey Matters: A Guide for Collaborative Research with Seniors
Exurbia Now :The Battleground of American Democracy
The Tensions of Algorithmic Thinking: Automation, Intelligence and the Politics of Knowing
Psychology in Asia: An Introduction
Sampling Design and Analysis, 3rd Ed
Fighting Mad: Resisting the End of Roe v. Wade
Transitional Safeguarding
The Pregnancy Police: Conceiving Crime, Arresting Personhood
Decades before the overturning of Roe v. Wade, pregnant people faced arrest and prosecution for supposed crimes against the fertilized eggs, embryos, and fetuses they gestated. The Pregnancy Police investigates the legal arguments undergirding these prosecutions and sheds much-needed light on the networks of health-care providers, social workers, and legal personnel participating in this ongoing surveillance and punishment of pregnant people.
The Wannabe Fascists: A Guide to Understanding the Greatest Threat to Democracy
First Episode Psychosis Services Fidelity Scale (FEPS-FS 1.0) and Manual
The Problem of Private Health Insurance: Insights from Middle-Income Countries
The Economy of Algorithms: AI and the Rise of the Digital Minions
The Danger Zone Is Everywhere: How Housing Discrimination Harms Health and Steals Wealth
Robots and Immigrants Who Is Stealing Jobs?
The Making of a Left-Behind Class: Educational Stratification, Meritocracy and Widening Participation
Health Policy in the United States: Access, Cost and Quality
The Enlightened Social Worker: An Introduction to Rights-Focused Practice
Street Youth in Canada: An Ethnography of Adversity and Artifice
What Are Prisons For?
Toward a Common Research Agenda in Infection-Associated Chronic Illnesses: Proceedings of a Workshop
What Matters and Who Matters to Young People Leaving Care: A New Approach to Planning
The Object Relations Lens: A Psychodynamic Framework for the Beginning Therapist
Slow Productivity: The Lost Art of Accomplishment Without Burnout
The Exvangelicals: Loving, Living, and Leaving the White Evangelical Church
Emergency Preparedness / Disaster Management Collection
Even prepared communities can be overwhelmed in a state of state of emergency. This collection of reports provides guidelines and targeted resources for all stakeholders in a disaster response, including state and local governments, emergency medical services and health care centers. These reports also examine the improvement of emergency services in rural communities and recommends post-disaster public engagement practices.