The 1% and the Rest of Us: A Political Economy of Dominant Ownership
Incorporating provocative and original arguments about philanthropy, social wealth and the political role of the super-rich, Di Muzio reveals how the 1% are creating a world unto themselves in which the accumulation of ever more money is really a symbolic drive to control society and the natural environment.
The People’s Republic of the Disappeared
Strategies to Limit Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Consumption in Young Children: Evaluation of Federal, State, and Local Policies and Programs
Cultures of Doing Good Anthropologists and NGOs
Things Jon Didn’t Know About: Our Life After My Husband’s Suicide
The Death Café Movement: Exploring the Horizons of Mortality
People Living with Disabilities: Health Equity, Health Disparities, and Health Literacy: Proceedings of a Workshop
We the Resistance: Documenting a History of Nonviolent Protest in the United States
Making Medicines Affordable: A National Imperative
Boats, Borders, and Bases: Race, the Cold War, and the Rise of Migration Detention in the United States
Poverty and social exclusion in the UK Volume 1 – The nature and extent of the problem
The Pursuit of Gender Equality: An Uphill Battle
Los Indignados: Tides of Social Insertion in Spain
Gray Divorce: What We Lose and Gain from Mid-Life Splits
Student Revolt: Voices of the Austerity Generation
What Does Consent Really Mean?
American Nightmare: The Challenge of U.S. Authoritarianism
The Age of Inequality
Trans: A Quick and Quirky Account of Gender Variability
Universalizing Resistance to Attacks on Labor
The Art and Science of Brief Psychotherapies A Practitioner’s Guide, Third Edition
How’s Life? 2017
Community organising against racism: ‘Race’, ethnicity and community development
A Body, Undone: Living On After Great Pain
American Nightmares: Social Problems in an Anxious World
Dead-end lives: Drugs and violence in the city shadows
“Julia” nervously emerges from her shabby tent in the suburban wastelands on the outskirts of Madrid to face another day of survival in one of Europe’s most problematic ghettos: she is homeless, wanted by the police, and addicted to heroin and cocaine. She is also five months pregnant and rarely makes contact with support services. Welcome to the city shadows in Valdemingómez: a lawless landscape of drugs and violence where the third world meets the Wild West.