Queer as Camp: Essays on Summer, Style and Sexuality
Coming of Age in a Hardscrabble World: A Memoir Anthology
The End of Forgetting: Growing Up with Social Media
Thanks to Facebook and Instagram, our childhoods have been captured and preserved online, never to go away. But what happens when we can’t leave our most embarrassing moments behind?
The Umbrella Movement: Civil Resistance and Contentious Space in Hong Kong
Sampling: Design and Analysis: Design and Analysis, 2nd Edition
Social Work in a Changing Scotland 1st Edition
Community-Based Transformational Learning: An Interdisciplinary Inquiry into Student Experiences and Challenges
Infinite Detail: A Novel
Maughan’s central thesis—that the global society would shatter into small pieces without online connectivity—is carefully presented and seems chillingly plausible.
Framework for Addressing Ethical Dimensions of Emerging and Innovative Biomedical Technologies: A Synthesis of Relevant National Academies Reports
Homosexuality, Transsexuality, Psychoanalysis and Traditional Judaism
In the Company of Rebels A Generational Memoir of Bohemians, Deep Heads, and History Makers
No Peace of Mind in Psychiatry
Guiding Cancer Control: A Path to Transformation
Austerity and the Remaking of European Education
Children, Religion and the Ethics of Influence
Ethical Challenges in Digital Psychology and Cyberpsychology
Governors and the Progressive Movement
Police Innovation: Contrasting Perspectives, 2nd Edition
The adjunct underclass: How America’s colleges betrayed their faculty, their students, and their mission
Time and the Generations: Population Ethics for a Diminishing Planet
The Dark Sides of Empathy
A decent life: Morality for the rest of us
Buying Gay How Physique Entrepreneurs Sparked a Movement
Social Scaffolding: Applying the Lessons of Contemporary Social Science to Health and Healthcare
Social Poverty Low-Income Parents and the Struggle for Family and Community Ties
Urban Environments for Healthy Ageing A Global Perspective, 1st Edition
Making Sense of the Alt-Right
Handbook of Mentalizing in Mental Health Practice, Second Edition
The ECT Handbook, 4th Edition
City of Workers, City of Struggle How Labor Movements Changed New York
Blind Injustice: A Former Prosecutor Exposes the Psychology and Politics of Wrongful Convictions
Red State Revolt: The Teachers’ Strike Wave and Working-Class Politics
Red State Revolt is a compelling analysis of the emergence and development of this historic strike wave, with an eye to extracting its main strategic lessons for educators, labor organizer, and radicals across the country.
Domestic and Family Violence A Critical Introduction to Knowledge and Practice, 1st Edition
Schatzberg’s Manual of Clinical Psychopharmacology, Ninth Edition
Driving in Cars with Homeless Men
The Code of Capital How the Law Creates Wealth and Inequality
The Instrumental University: Education in Service of the National Agenda after World War II
Transforming Trauma: Resilience and Healing Through Our Connections With Animals
Virtual Clinical Trials Challenges and Opportunities: Proceedings of a Workshop
The story of Jane: The legendary underground feminist abortion service
A Hard Place to Call Home: A Canadian Perspective on Residential Care and Treatment for Children and Youth
Evidence-Based Treatment Approaches for Suicidal Adolescents Translating Science into Practice
Inside Private Prisons: An American Dilemma in the Age of Mass Incarceration
Sophonisba Breckinridge: Championing Women’s Activism in Modern America
Pain Management for People with Serious Illness in the Context of the Opioid Use Disorder Epidemic: Proceedings of a Workshop
The United States is facing an opioid use disorder epidemic with opioid overdoses killing 47,000 people in the U.S. in 2017. The past three decades have witnessed a significant increase in the prescribing of opioids for pain, based on the belief that patients were being undertreated for their pain, coupled with a widespread misunderstanding of the addictive properties of opioids. This increase in prescribing of opioids also saw a parallel increase in addiction and overdose. In an effort to address this ongoing epidemic of opioid misuse, policy and regulatory changes have been enacted that have served to limit the availability of prescription opioids for pain management.
Data in Society: Challenging Statistics in an Age of Globalisation
Analysing the power of data to shape political debate, the presentation of ideas to us by the media, and issues surrounding data ownership and access, the authors suggest how data can be used to uncover injustices and to advance social progress.