Out of the Crazywoods is the riveting and insightful story of Abenaki poet Cheryl Savageau’s late-life diagnosis of bipolar disorder. Without sensationalizing, she takes the reader inside the experience of a rapid-cycling variant of the disorder, providing a lens through which to understand it and a road map for navigating the illness. The structure of her story—impressionistic, fragmented—is an embodiment of the bipolar experience and a way of perceiving the world.
Saving America’s Cities: Ed Logue and the Struggle to Renew Urban America in the Suburban Age
Road Through Midnight: A Civil Rights Memorial
Rural Social Work in the 21st Century: Serving Individuals, Families, and Communities in the Countryside, Second Edition
Camming: Money, Power, and Pleasure in the Sex Work Industry
Raw: PrEP, Pedagogy, and the Politics of Barebacking
Ailing in Place: Environmental Inequities and Health Disparities in Appalachia
In Ailing in Place, Michele Morrone explores the relationship between environmental conditions in Appalachia and health outcomes that are too often ascribed to individual choices only. She applies quantitative data to observations from environmental health professionals to frame the ways in which the environment, as a social determinant of health, leads to health disparities in Appalachian communities. These examples—these stories of place—trace the impacts of water quality, waste disposal, and natural resource extraction on the health and quality of life of Appalachian people.
Apocalypse Man: The Death Drive and the Rhetoric of White Masculine Victimhood
Dayton The Rise, Decline, and Transition of an Industrial City
Protest and Dissent: NOMOS LXII
Tabernacles of Clay: Sexuality and Gender in Modern Mormonism
Walls of Prophecy and Protest: William Walker and the Roots of a Revolutionary Public Art Movement
Walling In and Walling Out: Why Are We Building New Barriers to Divide Us?
Rugged Individualism and the Misunderstanding of American Inequality
Decolonizing Childhoods From Exclusion to Dignity
The Long Deep Grudge
Errors and Mistakes in Child Protection: International Discourses, Approaches and Strategies
Children Framing Childhoods: Working-Class Kids’ Visions of Care
The Poverty of Nations: A Relational Perspective
In this persuasive study, social welfare and policy expert Paul Spicker makes a case for a relational view of poverty. Poverty is much more than a lack of resources. It involves a complex set of social relationships, such as economic disadvantage, insecurity or a lack of rights. These relational elements tell us what poverty is – what it consists of, what poor people are experiencing, and what problems need to be addressed.
Policing the Police Challenges of Democracy and Accountability
Decriminalising Abortion in the UK: What Would It Mean?
Social Isolation and Loneliness in Older Adults: Opportunities for the Health Care System
The Poverty of Nations A Relational Perspective
Until We Are Free: Reflections on Black Lives Matter in Canada
Hannah Arendt on Educational Thinking and Practice in Dark Times: Education for a World in Crisis
Living Against Austerity: A Feminist Investigation of Doing Activism and Being Activist
With austerity’s disproportionately heavy impact on women now apparent, this engaging book considers activism against it from a feminist perspective.
Young, Disabled and LGBT+: Voices, Identities and Intersections, 1st Edition
The Power Worshippers: Inside the Dangerous Rise of Religious Nationalism
The Shame Game: Overturning the Toxic Poverty Narrative
Hostile Environment: How Immigrants Became Scapegoats
Your Whole Life: Beyond Childhood and Adulthood
Yesterday’s Man: The Case Against Joe Biden
Yesterday’s Man: The Case Against Joe Biden exposes the forgotten history of Joe Biden, one of the United States’ longest-serving politicians, and one of its least scrutinized. Over nearly fifty years in politics, the man called “Middle-Class Joe” served as a key architect of the Democratic Party’s rightward turn, ushering in the end of the liberal New Deal order and enabling the political takeover of the radical right. Far from being a liberal stalwart, Biden often outdid even Reagan, Gingrich, and Bush, assisting the right-wing war against the working class, and ultimately paving the way for Trump. The most comprehensive political biography of someone who has tried for decades to be president, Yesterday’s Man is an essential read for anyone interested in knowing the real Joe Biden and what he might do in office.
Le Boogie Woogie: Inside an After-Hours Club
Strung Out: One Last Hit and Other Lies That Nearly Killed Me
The Crying Book
Negotiating Thinness Online: The Cultural Politics of Pro-anorexia, 1st Edition
Non-Binary Genders: Navigating Communities, Identities, and Healthcare
The Triumph of Doubt: Dark Money and the Science of Deception
Child Poverty: Aspiring to Survive
Capital and Ideology
Birth Settings in America Outcomes, Quality, Access, and Choice (2020)
The delivery of high quality and equitable care for both mothers and newborns is complex and requires efforts across many sectors. The United States spends more on childbirth than any other country in the world, yet outcomes are worse than other high-resource countries, and even worse for Black and Native American women. There are a variety of factors that influence childbirth, including social determinants such as income, educational levels, access to care, financing, transportation, structural racism and geographic variability in birth settings. It is important to reevaluate the United States’ approach to maternal and newborn care through the lens of these factors across multiple disciplines.
Locating Social Justice in Higher Education Research
As a whole, the book argues that social justice needs to be more than a topic of higher education research and must also be part of the way that research is undertaken. Social justice must be located in research practices as well as in the issues that are researched.
Smacked: A Story of White-Collar Ambition, Addiction, and Tragedy
Something was wrong with Peter. Eilene Zimmerman noticed that her ex-husband looked thin, seemed distracted, and was frequently absent from activities with their children. She thought he looked sick and needed to see a doctor, and indeed, he told her he had been diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder. Yet in many ways, Peter also seemed to have it all: a beautiful house by the beach purchased after their divorce, expensive cars, and other luxuries that came with an affluent life. Eilene assumed his odd behavior was due to stress and overwork–he was a senior partner at a prominent law firm and had been working more than 60 hours a week for the last 20 years.
From Enforcers to Guardians: A Public Health Primer on Ending Police Violence
The Ones We’ve Been Waiting For: How a Generation of New Leaders Will Transform America
Transgressed: Intimate Partner Violence in Transgender Lives
Gerontological Social Work in Action: Anti-Oppressive Practice with Older Adults, their Families, and Communities
European Perspectives for Public Administration: The Way Forward
We Own the Future
A stunningly original and timely collection that makes the case for democratic socialism—American style.