Sustainable Hedonism: A Thriving Life that Does Not Cost the Earth
Drumbeat: New Media and the Radicalization and Militarization of Young People
Lived Experiences of Ableism in Academia Strategies for Inclusion in Higher Education
Perspectives on the Person with Dementia and Family Caregiving in Ireland
Disobey! A Philosophy of Resistance
Living Wages and the Welfare State: The Anglo-American Social Model in Transition
Exploring Disaster Human Services for Children and Youth – From Hurricane Katrina to the Paradise Wildfires
COVID-19 and Co-production in Health and Social Care Research, Policy, and Practice Volume 1: The Challenges and Necessity of Co-production
Living Wages and the Welfare State
Varieties of Austerity
This important book identifies continuity and variety in crisis-driven austerity restructuring across Canada, Denmark, Ireland and Spain. In their analysis, the authors focus on several components of austerity, including fiscal and monetary policy, budget narratives, public sector reform, labor market flexibilization, and resistance. In so doing, they uncover how austerity can be categorized into different dynamic types, and expose the economic, social, and political implications of the varieties of austerity.
Sociology and Social Work, 3e
Toward a Biosocial Science Evolutionary Theory, Human Nature, and Social Life
Recasting ‘Riots’ as Black Rebellions
Tightrope: Americans Reaching for Hope
The University Revolution: Outline of a Processual Theory of Modern Higher Education
Population Health in Rural America in 2020: Proceedings of a Workshop
Researching Happiness Qualitative, Biographical and Critical Perspectives
The Milltown Boys at Sixty The Origins and Destinations of Young Men from a Poor Neighbourhood
Exploring Disaster Human Services for Children and Youth – From Hurricane Katrina to the Paradise Wildfires: Proceedings of a Workshop Series
Red Nation Rising: From Bordertown Violence to Native Liberation
Introduction to University Teaching
The APA Practice Guideline for the Treatment of Patients with Schizophrenia, 3E
Critical Reflections on Women, Family, Crime and Justice
Sociology of India
The Critical Public Health Value of Vaccines – Tackling Issues of Access and Hesitancy: Proceedings of a Workshop
The Forgotten City: Rethinking Digital Living for Our People and the Planet
Gender: In World Perspective, 4th Edition
Science under Fire:Challenges to Scientific Authority in Modern America
White-Collar Crime A Systems Approach
The End of Adolescence: The Lost Art of Delaying Adulthood
Alternative Internets and Their Lost Histories
Emotion and Proactivity at Work: Prospects and Dialogues
Introducing Social Theory, 3rd Edition
Hirono’s heart: Hawaiian senator’s rise to success started with mom’s risky move
Hirono loved journalism in high school and was drawn to social work in college. She continued to evolve, and during her senior year, politics became a passion.