Sensitivity of cognitive tests in four cognitive domains in discriminating MDD patients from healthy controls: a meta-analysis
Evaluating the effectiveness of health belief model interventions in improving adherence: a systematic review
A systematic review and meta-analysis on the effects of European drug treatment programmes on reoffending
Reporting the Findings of Updated Systematic Reviews of Comparative Effectiveness: How Do Users Want To View New Information? [Internet].
Let’s get the best quality research we can: public awareness and acceptance of consent to use existing data in health research: a systematic review and qualitative study
Suicide related events and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder treatments in children and adolescents: a meta-analysis of atomoxetine and methylphenidate comparator clinical trials
Understanding Foster Placement Instability for Looked After Children: A Systematic Review and Narrative Synthesis of Quantitative and Qualitative Evidence
Efficacy of falls prevention interventions: protocol for a systematic review and network meta-analysis
Effectiveness of alcohol prevention interventions based on the principles of social marketing: a systematic review
The Therapeutic Alliance and Psychotherapy Outcomes for Young Adults Aged 18 to 34: Protocol for a Systematic Review
The Interchangeability of Scores from Different Measures and Meta-Analytic Effect Size Comparability II: A Simulation Study
Behavioral Interventions and Counseling to Prevent Child Abuse and Neglect: Systematic Review to Update the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force Recommendation
Stealing and Being Stolen From : Perpetration of Property Offenses and Property Victimization Among Homeless Youth–A Systematic Review
Surveillance and Identification of Signals for Updating Systematic Reviews: Implementation and Early Experience — Final Report
Bariatric Surgery for Weight Loss and Glycemic Control in Nonmorbidly Obese Adults with Diabetes: A Systematic Review
Time characteristics of the effect of alcohol cessation on the risk of stomach cancer — a meta-analysis
Implementing patient-reported outcome measures in palliative care clinical practice: A systematic review of facilitators and barriers Thumbnail
Fatigue in adults with traumatic brain injury: predictors and consequences: a systematic review of longitudinal study protocols.
Childhood Obesity Prevention Programs: Comparative Effectiveness Review and Meta-Analysis — Final Report
Diet and Physical Activity for the Prevention of Noncommunicable Diseases in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Systematic Policy Review
Protocol for a systematic review on inequalities in postnatal care services utilization in low- and middle-income countries
Bibliometric and content analysis of the Cochrane Complementary Medicine Field specialized register of controlled trials
Dropout Prevention and Intervention Programs: Effects on School Completion and Dropout Among School-Aged Children and Youth: A Systematic Review
Meta-analysis of Cognitive Deficits in Ultra-high Risk to Psychosis and First-Episode Psychosis: Do the Cognitive Deficits Progress Over, or After, the Onset of Psychosis?
Challenges to using evidence from systematic reviews to stop ineffective practice: An interview study
Access to HIV/AIDS care: a systematic review of socio-cultural determinants in low and high income countries
Urbanisation, urbanicity, and health: a systematic review of the reliability and validity of urbanicity scales