Is objectively measured light-intensity physical activity associated with health outcomes after adjustment for moderate-to-vigorous physical activity in adults? A systematic review
Comparative safety and effectiveness of perinatal antiretroviral therapies for HIV-infected women and their children: Systematic review and network meta-analysis including different study designs
The Impact of Patient Online Access to Computerized Medical Records and Services on Type 2 Diabetes: Systematic Review
Associations between psychosocial work factors and provider mental well-being in emergency departments: A systematic review
Physical activity to improve cognition in older adults: can physical activity programs enriched with cognitive challenges enhance the effects? A systematic review and meta-analysis
Impact of public smoking bans on children’s exposure to tobacco smoke at home: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Excessive gestational weight gain in accordance with the IOM criteria and the risk of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy: a meta-analysis
A Systematic Review of Amenable Resilience Factors That Moderate and/or Mediate the Relationship Between Childhood Adversity and Mental Health in Young People
Interventions for mental health problems in children and adults with severe intellectual disabilities: a systematic review
A Systematic Review of Interventions to Improve Initiation of Mental Health Care Among Racial-Ethnic Minority Groups
Psychopathology, risk, and resilience under exposure to continuous traumatic stress: A systematic review of studies among adults living in southern Israel.
Internet-Based Interventions Aimed at Supporting Family Caregivers of People With Dementia: Systematic Review
Psychosocial predictors of medication non-adherence in pediatric organ transplantation: A systematic review.
Effectiveness of control measures to prevent occupational tuberculosis infection in health care workers: a systematic review
What happens for informal caregivers during transition to increased levels of care for the person with dementia? A systematic review protocol
Barriers and facilitators to implementation of menu labelling interventions to support healthy food choices: a mixed methods systematic review protocol
A demonstration and evaluation of the use of cross-classified random-effects models for meta-analysis
Do risk assessment tools help manage and reduce risk of violence and reoffending? A systematic review.
The educational impact of Mini-Clinical Evaluation Exercise (Mini-CEX) and Direct Observation of Procedural Skills (DOPS) and its association with implementation: A systematic review and meta-analysis
“We are everything to everyone”: a systematic review of factors influencing the accountability relationships of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health workers (AHWs) in the Australian health system
Systematic review of the physical home environment and the relationship to psychological well-being among community-dwelling older adults.
Critical review and meta-analysis of multicomponent behavioral e-health interventions for weight loss.
Prevalence of depression or depressive symptoms among people living with HIV/AIDS in China: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Quality of life and physical activity in long-term (≥5 years post-diagnosis) colorectal cancer survivors – systematic review
Measuring disability: a systematic review of the validity and reliability of the Global Activity Limitations Indicator (GALI)
Prevalence of human papillomavirus by geographical regions, sexual orientation and HIV status in China: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Effectiveness of capacity building interventions relevant to public health practice: a systematic review
Prevalence of PTSD and common mental disorders amongst ambulance personnel: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Evaluation of person-level heterogeneity of treatment effects in published multiperson N-of-1 studies: systematic review and reanalysis