A critical appraisal and recommendation synthesis of delirium clinical practice guidelines relevant to the care of older adults in the emergency department: An umbrella review
Development and implementation of research integrity guidance documents: Explorative interviews with research integrity experts
Checklist to assess Trustworthiness in RAndomised Controlled Trials (TRACT checklist): concept proposal and pilot
Technical Note, Linking Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS)- Practical Tools, Approaches and Case Studies
Involving volunteers: Practical and step by step guidance to help you manage volunteers and the process of volunteering well
Governance: Practical steps to take to effectively achieve and maintain good governance in your charity
Handbook on quality standards for interventions aimed at drug experienced young people in contact with criminal justice systems (EPPIC)
International Recruitment and Induction Standards for International Social Workers coming to the United Kingdom