Healthy Marriage and Relationship Education for Expectant and New Mothers: The 30-Month Impacts of MotherWise
Expert Consensus on the Impact of COVID-Response Medicare Policies on Mental Health, Substance Use Care, and Costs
Impact of drug consumption rooms on non-fatal overdoses, abscesses and emergency department visits in people who inject drugs in France
Beyond co-production: The construction of drug checking knowledge in a Canadian supervised injection facility
A concept mapping study of service user design of safer supply as an alternative to the illicit drug market
Implementation of the 988 Number Brought More Calls and Texts to the National Suicide Prevention and Crisis Hotline This Summer – And Early Data Show Answer Rates Improved or Held Steady
American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) Children Are Overrepresented in Foster Care in States With the Largest Proportions of AIAN Children
Director’s Innovation Speaker Series: HIV-1 and SARS-CoV-2 Effects on Brain and Mind Health: A Tale of Two Viruses