What is the impact of multimorbidity on out-of-pocket healthcare expenditure among community-dwelling older adults in Ireland? A cross-sectional study
Publicly Insured and Uninsured Patients are More Likely Than Other Patients to be Treated Unfairly in Health Care Settings Because of Their Coverage Type
How Increased Funding Can Advance the Mission of the Indian Health Service to Improve Health Outcomes for American Indians and Alaska Natives
Rural-Urban Differences in Child and Adolescent Access to and Receipt of Mental Health Services Prior to and During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Results from the National Survey of Children’s Health
‘Blending’ online and offline provision in community wellbeing services: what does it mean and why does it matter?
Medicare Telehealth: Actions Needed to Strengthen Oversight and Help Providers Educate Patients on Privacy and Security Risks
Amid High Inflation and Rising Interest Rates, the Federal Government Will Soon Spend More on Interest Payments than Kids