Ohio Programs Based on CUNY’s Accelerated Study in Associate Programs (ASAP) Boost Earnings During the Pandemic
Social impact of migration: Addressing the challenges of receiving and integrating Ukrainian refugees
State agencies did not always ensure that children missing from foster care were reported to the national center for missing and exploited children in accordance with federal requirements
‘You can’t fix this in six months’: The intersectionality of women’s substance use in the Irish context
Families, Older People in Every State at Risk Under Proposed SNAP Rule That Would Take Food Away for Not Meeting Work Requirements
Listening, learning, responding to concerns: a review to identify improvements in how we learn from, respond to and act on concerns
Independent review into CQC’s response to protected disclosures made by Mr Shyam Kumar and a sample of other cases
Public satisfaction with the NHS and social care in 2022: Results from the British Social Attitudes survey
Understanding Experiential Learning Through Work-Based College Coursetaking: Evidence From Transcript Data Using a Text Mining Technique