88 additional Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) to participate in the Medicare Shared Saving Program
Working with sexual assault investigations (Sexual Offences Child Abuse Investigation Team) (ACSSA working with series)
Mental Capacity Act 2005, Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards assessments – England, 2011-12, Third report on annual data
Working with First Nations, Inuit and Métis Families who have Experienced Family Violence: A Practice Guide for Child Welfare Professionals
Discussing Gangs: Challenges in basic research, translating research and anti-gang programs — Summary of the Gangs Research Working Group Meeting
GAO-12-677, Employment for People with Disabilities: Little Is Known about the Effectiveness of Fragmented and Overlapping Programs
Slightly Better Job Growth Ahead for High School Dropouts, but They Have Far to Go to Make Up Ground Lost in Recession
Experience of People of Color, Women, and Low-Income Homeowners in the Home Affordable Modification Program
Reducing Poverty in Wisconsin: Analysis of the Community Advocates Public Policy Institute Policy Package
GAO-12-497, Supplemental Security Income: Better Management Oversight Needed for Children’s Benefits, June 26, 2012
Working toward wellness: Telephone care management for Medicaid recipients with depression, thirty-six months after random assignment
GAO-12-726, Veteran Homelessness: VA and HUD Are Working to Improve Data on Supportive Housing Program
GAO-12-498SP, Supplemental Security Income: State Trends in Applications, Allowances, and Benefit Receipts for Children with Mental Impairments (GAO-12-498SP, June 2012), an E-supplement to GAO-12-497
Uncertain Legacies: Resilience and Institutional Child Abuse – A Literature Review – Research Findings
Screening, Behavioral Counseling, and Referral in Primary Care to Reduce Alcohol Misuse — Final Research Review
GAO-12-543, Charter Schools: Additional Federal Attention Needed to Help Protect Access for Students with Disabilities
A dynamic analysis of the relationship between employment transitions and mental health among British men