GAO-12-764, Income Security: Overlapping Disability and Unemployment Benefits Should be Evaluated for Potential Savings, July 31, 2012
GAO-12-827R, Veterans Health Care: Veterans Health Administration Processes for Responding to Reported Adverse Events
Racial/Ethnic Differences in the Influence of Cultural Values, Alcohol Resistance Self-Efficacy, and Alcohol Expectancies on Risk for Alcohol…
How to Best Reach HIV-Vulnerable Groups in Arab States: Drug Abuse in International Laws and Arabic Legislations
Shifting Boundaries: Final Report on an Experimental Evaluation of a Youth Dating Violence Prevention Program in New York City Middle Schools
Children and HIV: Using an evidence-based approach to identify legal strategies that protect and promote the rights of children infected and affected by HIV and AIDS
Families with multiple and complex needs: best interests case practice model : specialist practice resource
Families, life events and family service delivery : a literature review (AIFS research report ; no. 20)
GAO-12-764, Income Security: Overlapping Disability and Unemployment Benefits Should be Evaluated for Potential Savings
Building Communities of Recovery: How Community-Based Partnerships and Recovery Support Organizations Make Recovery Work
Substance Use and Other Risk Factors for Unprotected Sex: Results from an Event-Based Study of Homeless Youth
Closing the Quality Gap Series: Quality Improvement Interventions To Address Health Disparities — Final Research Review
Alternative Sentencing Policies for Drug Offenders: Evaluating the Effectiveness of Kansas Senate Bill 123, Final Report
GAO-12-694, Medicaid: States Reported Billions More in Supplemental Payments in Recent Years, July 20, 2012
Time for Change: An Evaluation of an Intensive Support Service for Young Women at High Risk of Secure Care or Custody(Research Report)
Improving access to urban and regional early childhood services (Resource sheet / Closing the Gap Clearinghouse ; no. 17)
GAO-12-768, Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act: Estimates of the Effect on the Prevalence of Employer-Sponsored Health Coverage