Unemployment Insurance: Estimated Amount of Fraud During Pandemic Likely Between $100 Billion and $135 Billion
Human Rights: Agency Actions Needed to Address Harassment of Dissidents and Other Tactics of Transnational Repression in the U.S.
Partisan House Appropriations Bills Underfund Non-Defense Priorities and Are a Sharp Break From the Bipartisan Debt Ceiling Agreement
Young Children and New Parents in Every State Could Be Turned Away From WIC or Have Their Benefits Cut Under Pending Appropriations Bills
Providers’ and Parents’ Awareness of Policy Changes to Vermont’s Child Care Financial Assistance Program
Mathematica Provides Insights on Equitable Health Care Access and Outcomes at the National Association of Medicaid Directors Annual Conference
Does Temporary Disability Insurance Reduce Older Workers’ Reliance on Social Security Disability Insurance?
Most recent data from the European Syringe Collection and Analysis Project Enterprise (ESCAPE): data explorer, analysis and key findings
Child safeguarding and immersive technologies: Outlining harms to children in virtual reality and the metaverse
Professional Characteristics of the Child Care and Early Education Workforce in 2012 and 2019: Descriptions by Race and Ethnicity, Languages Spoken, and Nativity Status