Taking the next steps: identification of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander status in general practice
Moving to Work Demonstration: Improved Information and Monitoring Could Enhance Program Assessment, GAO-13-724T
School readiness program for Aboriginal children with additional needs: working with children, families, communities and service providers
Promoting Economic Security among Low Income Families in the United States: The Effects of Food Stamps on Labor Supply, Income and Poverty
Program Evaluation: Strategies to Facilitate Agencies’ Use of Evaluation in Program Management and Policy Making. GAO-13-570
President’s Emergency Plan for Aids Relief: Millions Being Treated, but Better Information Management Needed to Further Improve and Expand Treatment, GAO-13-688
Rarely an isolated incident: acknowledging the interrelatedness of child maltreatment, victimisation and trauma
Investing in Advocacy Interventions for Parents with Learning Disabilities: What is the Economic Argument?
Evaluating the Impact of Getting to Outcomes: Underage Drinking on Prevention Capacity and Alcohol Merchant Attitudes and Selling Behaviors