Effects of the Affordable Care Act on Consumer Health Care Spending and Risk of Catastrophic Health Costs
Individual Behavior as a Pathway Between Early-Life Shocks and Adult Health: Evidence from Hunger Episodes in Post-War Germany
GAO-13-780, Medicaid Managed Care: Use of Limited Benefit Plans to Provide Mental Health Services and Efforts to Coordinate Care, September 30, 2013
PrEP Information Update: Study finds first evidence that PrEP can reduce HIV risk among people who inject drugs
Research and analysis: Troubled families: progress information as at the end of 30 June 2013 and families turned around as at the end of 29 July 2013
Financial Literacy and Consumer Choice of Health Insurance: Evidence from Low-Income Populations in the United States
AASW: Response to the Legislative Amendment Review Reference Committee Discussion Paper – Advocacy for Children in Tasmania
Framework and evaluation schedule for the inspection of services for children in need of help and protection, children looked after and care leavers
Understanding governance of early childhood development and education systems and services in low-income countries
Medicaid Managed Care: Use of Limited Benefit Plans to Provide Mental Health Services and Efforts to Coordinate Care. GAO-13-780
Results from the 2012 National Survey on Drug Use and Health: Summary of National Findings and Detailed Tables