Online services for key low-income benefit programs: What states provide online with respect to SNAP, TANF, Child Care Assistance, Medicaid, and CHIP
2014 Alzheimer’s disease facts and figures: Includes a special report on women and Alzheimer’s disease
Supporting durable solutions to urban, post-disaster displacement : Challenges and opportunities in Haiti
Riding the mobile wave : what local health departments need in order to adopt social media and mobile health technologies for emergency preparedness
The Socioeconomic Effects of the Working Poor Moving to Permanent Dwellings: The Case of the Ashray Affordable Housing Pilot Project in India
Growing Up in Scotland: Family and school influences on children’s social and emotional well-being – Research Findings
Consultation outcome: Closed consultation: Special educational needs (SEN) code of practice and regulations
Speaking up for Scotland’s children: the NSPCC’s helpline in Scotland: a year in review April 2012–March 2013
Race to the Bottom: How Outsourcing Public Services Rewards Corporations and Punishes the Middle Class