Access to Primary and Preventive Health Care Across States Prior to the Coverage Expansions of the Affordable Care Act
Child F serious case review overview report: services provided for Child F and Child G and members of their family from January 2009 – October 2011.
Transitioning to ICD-10. Health plans and providers are about to begin using a revised coding system to track diagnoses and procedures
Health and Social Care Alliance Scotland – Summary of the Health Inequalities Policy Review for the Scottish Ministerial Task Force on health inequalities –
ED and HHS Letter to Chief State School Officers and Child Welfare Directors on Implementing the Fostering Connections Act
Children of Incarcerated Parents (COIP) Experiencing Homelessness: How the McKinney-Vento Act Can Help
Desperate for help: report analysing calls to Family Rights Group’s advice service from families of children in need or at risk
Call for papers: 2nd International Workshop on Analyzing Social Media for the Benefit of Society (Society 2.0)
Religious literacy primer for crises, disasters and public health emergencies : a field guide for religious literacy and competency