2014 PIT Count Data Shows Progress across All Populations: Four Years after Launching Opening Doors, Data Points to Clear Success
A Win-Win for Working Families and State Budgets: Pairing Medicaid Expansion and a $10.10 Minimum Wage
Commentary: Policymakers Often Overstate Marginal Tax Rates — And Understate Trade-Offs In Reducing Them
Eds, Meds, and the Feds: How the Federal Government Can Foster the Role of Anchor Institutions in Community Revitalization
Statistics – national statistics: Assessment and social services for adults: financial year ending March 2014
One in 50 outpatients who miss an appointment fail to attend three or more further appointments within three months
Beyond the bubble wrap: understanding parents’ fears in allowing their children to play and travel independently
Is citation searching useful when conducting searches for systematic reviews in terms of unique records retrieved and time saved?
Disability Compensation: Review of Concurrent Receipt of Department of Defense Retirement, Department of Veterans Affairs Disability Compensation, and Social Security Disability Insurance, GAO-14-854R