Dying without dignity Investigations by the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman into complaints about end of life care
Scaling Program Investments for Young Children Globally: Evidence from Latin America and the Caribbean
An Evaluation of the Impact of the Social Mobility Foundation Programmes on Education Outcomes (IFS Report R102)
Can we do this again? Do we have to wait until next year?” Children’s Commissioner Takeover Day 2014 Evaluation
Reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act: Time to Move Beyond Test-Focused Policies
Bridging the Social Divide: Making Social Mobility and Child Poverty Core Business for the Next Parliament
Neighbourhood Racial/Ethnic Composition and Segregation and Trajectories of Cognitive Decline Among U.S. Older Adults
Consultation on National Assessments and Measuring Learning for the Post-2015 Education Agenda; Paris; 2015