NEPC Review: From Surviving to Thriving: K-12 Choice and Opportunity for Rural Texas Students and Teachers (The Heritage Foundation, August 2023)
The Long-Term Effectiveness of Multiple Measures Assessment: Evidence from a Randomized Controlled Trial
Report of a Special Committee: Political Interference and Academic Freedom in Florida’s Public Higher Education System
“To Clarify an Everchanging Present” – Hyperchronicity, Anachronism and the relationship between history and social science
Combating Hate Crimes on College and University Campuses: Essential Considerations for Public Safety Officials
Is Privacy at Odds with Racial Equity? Visualizing Implications for Communities of Color in Public Data Releases
Insurance Coverage During Transitions: Evidence from Medicaid Automatic Enrollment for Children Receiving Supplemental Security Income
Radical Pathways Beyond GDP: Why and how we need to pursue feminist and decolonial alternatives urgently