A Multidisciplinary Review of Research on the Distributional Effects of Raising Social Security’s Early Entitlement Age
Delayed implementation of Care Act phase two: Implications for carers, their families and the wider care system
Breaking boundaries: Towards a ‘Troubled Lives’ programme for people facing multiple and complex needs
Research and analysis: ‘Telephone Support’ psychological wellbeing and work feasibility pilot evaluation
Study of Early Education and Development (SEED): Study of the Quality of Childminder Provision in England
Taking the Next Step Forward: Building a Responsive Mental Health and Addictions System for Emerging Adults
Inspiring Impact: building a movement: review of the Inspiring Impact programme at the end of year three
Homelessness: An Unhealthy State. Health status, risk behaviours and service utilisation among homeless people in two Irish cities
New Psychoactive Substances: (NPS): a questionnaire on the definition of NPS, proposals to establish a forensic centre for excellence, and improving data collection and information sharing