A Pilot Study Comparing In-Person and Web-Based Motivational Interviewing Among Adults with a First-Time DUI Offense
Summary of Research Generated by Striving Readers on the Effectiveness of Interventions for Struggling Adolescent Readers
Forms of Safety and Their Impact on Health: An Exploration of HIV/AIDS-related Risk and Resilience Among Trans Women in Lebanon
Australian Association of Social Workers: Submission to the Senate Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade References Committee Re: Mental health of ADF serving personnel
Official Statistics: Health indicators for the United Kingdom and its constituent countries based on the 2013-2014 European Health Interview Survey (Wave 2)
Health indicators for the United Kingdom and its constituent countries based on the 2013 to 2014 European Health Interview Survey – (Wave 2)
The rising cost of a healthy diet: changing relative prices of foods in high-income and emerging economies
Navigating homelessness and navigating abuse: How homeless mothers find transitional housing while managing intimate partner violence
Report on the risk assessment of 4,4′-DMAR in the framework of the Council Decision on new psychoactive substances
To Enroll or Not to Enroll? Why Many Americans Have Gained Insurance Under the Affordable Care Act While Others Have Not