Intimate partner violence and unmet need for family planning: Findings among women of different ages from six sub-Saharan African countries
Preventing gang and youth violence: spotting signals of risk and supporting children and young people: an overview
Nonpharmacological Versus Pharmacological Treatments for Adult Patients With Major Depressive Disorder — Final Report
Consequences, Risk Factors and Geography of Young People Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET)
Substance Use and Cumulative Exposure to American Society: Findings from Both Sides of the US-Mexico Border Region
Hear me. Believe me. Respect me.: a survey of adult survivors of child sexual abuse and their experiences of support services
First and Second Generation Antipsychotics for Children and Young Adults-Comparative Effectiveness Review Update – Research Protocol
Meeting Summary » Mental Health Disparities Research at the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH): Cross-Cutting Aspects of the NIMH Strategic Plan for Research
Independent review into sex discrimination and sexual harassment, including predatory behaviour in Victoria Police – phase one report, 2015
Securing Australia’s Future – Translating research for economic and social benefit – Country comparisons
What works to prevent gang involvement, youth violence and crime: a rapid review of interventions delivered in the UK and abroad
Psychiatric Disorders Prior to Dating Initiation and Physical Dating Violence Before Age 21: Findings from the National Comorbidity Survey Replication (NCS-R)
Early Childhood Development and Schooling Attainment: Longitudinal Evidence from British, Finnish and Philippine Birth Cohorts