Data Visualization Shows Key Poverty Trends for Over 13,000 School Districts and Surrounding Communities
Most U.S. Hispanic Children Can Trace Their Heritage to Mexico, but Many Other Hispanic Children’s Family Roots Extend Across Latin America
Reimagining Migration Responses in Ethiopia: Learning from migrant children and young people’s experiences (Summary Report)
Extending the American Rescue Plan Act’s Enhanced Marketplace Affordability Provisions Could Benefit Nearly One Million Uninsured Children and Parents
Evidence matters – now more than ever: Results from a review of UNICEF’s evidence on COVID-19 and child protection
Many Latino and Black Households Made Costly Work Adjustments in Spring 2021 to Accommodate COVID-Related Child Care Disruptions
Ready to Start School, Learn and Work: Evidence from three education programmes for out-of-school children and adolescents in Bangladesh
Use of Community-Based Participatory Research Partnerships to Reduce COVID-19 Disparities Among Marshallese Pacific Islander and Latino Communities – Benton and Washington Counties, Arkansas, April-December 2020
School-Related Violence in Latin America and the Caribbean: Building an evidence base for stronger schools
Mainstreaming gender into social protection strategies and programmes: Evidence from 74 low- and middle-income countries
Women, Voice and Power: How transformative feminist leadership is challenging inequalities and the root causes of extreme vulnerability
Effects of Neighborhood Ethnic Density and Psychosocial Factors on Colorectal Cancer Screening Behavior Among Asian American Adults, Greater Philadelphia and New Jersey, United States, 2014-2019
COVID-19 and the Looming Debt Crisis: Protecting and Transforming Social Spending for Inclusive Recoveries