Spain’s health system more likely to protect people from financial hardship than health systems in most other European countries, new WHO report finds
Community-Driven Approaches to Addressing Food Insecurity: Key Findings from an Evaluation of the Healthy Food Alliance for Early Education Program
Build Back Better Requires Highest-Income People and Corporations to Pay Fairer Amount of Tax, Reduces Tax Gap
The Autumn Budget and Spending Review 2021: what was announced and what does it mean for health and care spending?
5 Million Children in Veteran and Active-Duty Families Will Lose Out if Child Tax Credit Expansions End
Missed Opportunities: Up to 9 in 10 Women Eligible for Public Health Services in California Have Unmet Mental Health Need
Political Advocacy in Colombia: Impact Evaluation of the “Building peace by securing rights for victims of conflict and violence in Colombia” project
Characteristics of Participants in Puerto Rico’s Nutritional Assistance Program (PAN/NAP) and Their Connections to the Labor Market
Predicting early dementia using Medicare claims: a feasibility study using the National Integrated Health Services Information Analysis Asset
Medicare Advantage vs. Traditional Medicare: How Do Beneficiaries’ Characteristics and Experiences Differ?